URL-CTI Support for incoming calls.

Primary LanguagePerl

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Important notice

This package is available free of charge!


  • Znuny 7.0
  • An installed phone client on your workstation which supports opening a URL on incoming calls and optional dialing via URL scheme


  • Configure your local CTI client/agent to open a new browser window (Znuny window) on every incoming phone call. For example: YOUR-ZNUNY-HOST/znuny/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketPhoneCTI;CallerID=XXX
  • Possibility to modify the caller ID with regular expressions
  • We added the URL parameter "Screen". If you pass "Screen=AgentCustomerInformationCenter", you get linked to the customer information center. YOUR-ZNUNY-HOST/znuny/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketPhoneCTI;CallerID=XXX;Screen=AgentCustomerInformationCenter;
  • The phone number needs to be configured as a searchable field (check Kernel/Config.pm -> CustomerUser -> CustomerUserSearchFields)

If the caller is stored with his caller ID in the configured customer user database, the ticket creation screen will be opened and the caller will be pre-selected as customer. If you already have your customer data in Znuny, the phone number might be provided with a URL to start external phone calls.


Download the package and install it via admin interface -> package manager.


To get to the configuration options in the System Configuration, navigate to Core::Znuny::CTI.

(The use of the URL znuny/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketPhoneCTI;CallerID=XXX should be sufficient in most cases)


Download the latest version.

Professional Support

For this add-on and for Znuny in general visit www.znuny.com. Looking forward to hear from you!


Your Znuny Team!
