error example for acts_as_commentable_with_threading


  • ruby 2.1.2
  • rails 4.1.1
  • acts_as_commentable_with_threading 1.2.0
  • awesome_nested_set 3.0.0.rc.5


belongs_to with :touch => true in Comment, and raises error in touch_record.

how to re-produce

% rake db:seed
[:touch_record, #<Comment id: 1, commentable_id: 1, commentable_type: "Post", title: nil, body: "debug", subject: nil, user_id: 1, parent_id: nil, lft: 1, rgt: 2, created_at: "2014-06-19 10:46:10", updated_at: "2014-06-19 10:46:10">, "commentable_id", :commentable, true]
{"commentable_id"=>0, "commentable_type"=>nil, "user_id"=>0, "body"=>nil, "created_at"=>nil, "updated_at"=>nil, "lft"=>nil, "rgt"=>nil, "id"=>nil}
[#<Comment id: 1, commentable_id: 1, commentable_type: "Post", title: nil, body: "debug", subject: nil, user_id: 1, parent_id: nil, lft: 1, rgt: 2, created_at: "2014-06-19 10:46:10", updated_at: "2014-06-19 10:46:10">, "Post", nil]
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `constantize' for nil:NilClass
/private/tmp/error-example-for-acts_as_commentable_with_threading/config/initializers/belongs_to.rb:14:in `touch_record'
/private/tmp/error-example-for-acts_as_commentable_with_threading/db/seeds.rb:13:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => db:seed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)