
An Interactive Monitoring and Failsafe program to monitor Multicharts + ELD

Primary LanguagePython


An Interactive Monitoring and Failsafe program to monitor Multicharts + ELD

Currently ran on NGROK Server locally, Deploying to Glitch for production

Commands (Writes):

SlackUI is primary IU / entrypoint, controlled via Slack Channel -- Must be given proper OAuth in Slack API dashboard. Commands are executed, and written to txt / csv (to be read into ELD files, and parsed to then set Globals (via GlobalVariables.dll in MC64) to be read by individual Strategies. EX: [1, 'P', 'ES', 5] would Pause ES Symbol for 5 Bars.

Monitoring (Reads):

~50 Trade Metrics are processed and written from ELD file to txt file (Thanks to Ben Racze for his ELD Monitoring/Logging program!) (will post a very basic logging alternative eventually)

Txt File log is parsed by ELDParse.py, and things like Rogue Trades are flagged --> sent to Service Layer -> to SlackUI, where an action can be decided via Slack Command. Eventually, these Alerts will have a default Command + log to handle the event.

Queries (Coming Soon):

Query the log from SlackUI, to pull metrics and reports on trade data -- Ex PNL + Slippage Report of ES, NQ, and CL for past 10 days.

ELD Snippets:

Found in .ELD files or .TXT files ELDMonitor needs to run in 1 location, on one chart for ex.

Then the Snippet at bottom -- for reading globals -- needs to be included in all strategies to be controlled by SlackInteractivePM