
Resources extracted from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Resources


This repository contains raw asset extractions from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Resources. Texture and audio files will not be provided at this time. As of writing, this is NOT a complete text extract and should be considered a work in progress.


The folder "LinkData" will provide the bigger block of text from the game, with raw text split by international language code.

  • en (English)
  • de (German)
  • nl (Dutch)
  • es (Spanish)
  • fr (French)
  • it (Italian)
  • jp (Japanese)
  • cn (Chinese)
  • ko (Korean)

Notable Files

Notes: The absence of a type of text in the list below doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It only means it's not yet been catalogued.


  • 3070: Attack descriptions
  • 3815: HUD text
  • 3990: Blacksmith Dialogue
  • 3840: Attire
  • 4105: Material type text
  • 4345: Mission descriptions
  • 4360: Mission names
  • 4370: Attire
  • 4375: Character/NPC Names (Singular and Pluralized)
  • 4490: Dye shop color names
  • 4755: Attire
  • 5645: Mission Dialogue
  • 7775: Character/NPC action descriptions
  • 7795: Location names
  • 7875: Credits
  • 7965: Mission stats text
  • 8035: Mission Complete Text
  • 8090: Items


  • 3075: Attack descriptions
  • 3845: Attire
  • 4110: Material type text
  • 4365: Mission names
  • 4495: Dye shop names
  • 8095: Items


  • 3825: Game text
  • 4370: Mission Names
  • 4500: Dye shop names


  • 4010: Attire


  • 4045: Attire
  • 4150: Attack descriptions
  • 4225: Game Text
  • 8010: HUD text
  • 4260: Food names
  • 4470: Location Names
  • 4475: Location Names
  • 8110: Game Text


  • 4050: Attire
  • 4155: Attack names
  • 4230: Location Names
  • 8015: HUD text


  • 5400: Mission names


  • 8010: Chinese Dialog
  • 8020: HUD text


  • 5395: Mission names


  • Extract and process jp text sources
  • Process text from other asset locations in the ROM
  • Update files index with content info for all languages.


  • VexIsRed
  • ZoeySaurusRawr