
A WebGL Renderer for Fractal Equations.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fractal Render

A WebGL Renderer for Fractal Equations.

WebGL Project Link (to open the GUI press your keyboard's SPACE_BAR)

Video Walkthrough (Youtube)


This project implements a fractal equation renderer using WebGL. It will use the Mandelbrot Set as its base implementations to explore the requirements needed for a fractal equations renderer, but will leave the option open to integrate more fractal equations.


Introduction to Fractals

Fractals are all around us. Broccoli is a fractal, snowflakes are fractals, and the pattern of a shell is a fractal. The mathematically definition of a fractal is very vague, since it is not understood properly, but it involves the recursion of a pattern or equation since fractals represent the concept of "self-similarity". They are objects of investigation in regards to Chaos Theory since most graphs representing chaos are fractals.


For illustration purposes I will use a snowflake to clearly define the properties which makes it a fractal.

The KochFlake defined by Helge von Koch

What you see here is the KochFlake, defined by Helge von Koch as the Fractal representing a snowflake. The base is a regular triangle, for which after each iteration each side will receive three more sides. With more iteration, the KochFlake looks more and more like a Snowflake. After a small observation, it is clear that the area of the KochFlake is finite, but its perimeter is infinite, since it is getting extended after each iteration, therefore it is convergent and divergent at the same time. Furthermore, the most important property, which makes it a fractal, is that it is self replicating, so each corner is a smaller KochFlake, therefore by zooming into the KochFlake, you will see smaller version of the big version, which makes it a Fractal since it is self-smiliar.

Mandelbrot Set

The KochFlake is easy in theory, but hard to implement since you have to add three sides for each side, and calculate where to add the new vertices too. A easier fractal to render would be the Mandelbrot Set.

The Mandelbrot Set

Fig.2 reprsents the Mandelbrot Set, with the area in black representing the points in the Complex Plane which are converging, and the points with color are diverging. The different color values are representing the rate of divergence. The Mandelbrot Set is very easy to implement since its equation is a simple recursion function.

The Fractal equation for the Mandelbrot Set

This equation is used to render the Mandelbrot Set by iterating through all the Complex Numbers in the Complex Plane and determining which Complex Number is converging and which is diverging slowly by reapplying the equation by itself start with , while we keep track of the iteration count in the variable .




  • Rendering the Mandelbrot Set
  • Allow User Interactions e.g. zooming
  • GUI for manipulating variables, e.g.

Allowing for User Interactions, I would need to take advantage of the GPU, therefore I would use shaders. I was familiar with GUI programming in Javascript, therefore I decided to use WebGL which is a subset of OpenGL for the browser, so I can use Javascript and GLSL. I decided to code everything from scratch for learning purposes.


First Step: Setting up the Pixel Space

The first step was to decide how to render the Complex Plane onto Pixel Space. In a broader perspective, the Mandelbrot Set always takes in the whole screen since rendering includes the divergent and convergent area, so it is one big object. Therefore I decided to use 4 vertices for each corner of the Pixel Space to create one big rectangle which we draw the Mandelbrot Set on.

The whole Pixel Space as one rectangle

Second Step: Mapping the Pixel Space to the Complex Space

To be able to draw the Mandelbrot Set in Pixel Space, we need to transform the Pixel Space into Complex Space, so we can assign each pixel a unique Complex Number .

Convenient, the Complex Space is 2-dimensional as our Pixel Space is, therefore we can use the real part for our x-values and the imaginary part with the real number as our y-values, so we can store a Complex Number in 2-dimensional vector.

Next, we observe that the Complex Space is infinite, but the Pixel Space is finite, therefore we have to bound the Complex Space, by four Complex Numbers. We use the four Complex Numbers as the vertices of the rectangle, and interpolate in between them using the pixel position and the Pixel Space's width and height.

Setup for Pixel Space to Complex Space conversion

Now, we just have to create a bijection between the Pixel Space and Complex Space using the following equation:

This equation maps every pixel to a unique Complex Number

Now we can iterate through the whole Pixel Space and associate each Pixel with a Complex Number and iterate the Mandelbrot Set Equation on and determine if it's converging or diverging and if it is diverging, we can determine the rate of divergence.

Third Step:Iterating the Mandelbrot Set Equation

The iteration of the Mandelbrot Set Equation is very simple. We need to set the to an large number, since we try to simulate the behaviour for . Next we need to set a threshold to determine if a number is diverging, for the Mandelbrot Set the threshold is with . Additionaly, we need to implement squaring a Complex Number, therefore we need to implement multiplication for Complex Numbers which is trivial using 2-dimensional vectors.

Multiplication for Complex Numbers

Squaring a Complex Numbers.

The magnitude of a Complex Number

The conditions for the iteration to break

is indicating the iteration count for a specific Complex Number. Finishing the iteration we will have two cases, either the iteration determined the Complex Number is diverging or converging, with indicating convergence.


We can use for determining the color of the pixel, since pixel and complex numbers are forming a bijection in our framework.

Black & White


HSV Color

The implementation involves three variations, Black & White, Grey, and HSV Colors. For Black & Whitewe are only checking if the Complex Number converges or diverges. For Grey we take into consideration the rate of divergence, to display grey pixels. And for HSV Colors, we change the base color for divergence to red instead of white, and then for different divergence rates, it will change accordingly around the Color circle. I decided to use HSV Color because it continous, therefore I can use the rate of divergent to determine a color, but also is it pleasant for the Human perception. There are different other methods to display color, like using a Color Palette and mapping areas of rate of divergence for different colors.


At this point, the framework is almost complete, we only need to determine the variables for the most pleasant visualization. We could pick boundaries in the region but we would see only divergent Complex Numbers, therefore we need to find good values for the boundaries, width, and height. Through some research in the internet, I found the best values for display the Mandelbrot Set are:

With this we are able to render the Mandelbrot Set

First Results

The Mandelbrot Set in Black & White with

The Mandelbrot Set in Grey Scales with

The Mandelbrot Set in Color with

The Mandelbrot Set in Color with


Optimized Escape Algorithm

The described algorithm above works, but it is very inefficient since we are using five multiplications inside the iterations loop, since multiplying two complex numbers involves in our case 3 multiplications and calculating the magnitude of a complex number involves 2 more multiplications. There is the optimized escape algorithm which is more efficient since it using only three multiplications.

First, we observe that calculating the magnitude of a Complex Numbers involves calculating the real numbers and . For calculating the Mandelbrot Set Equation we have to square a Complex Number which also involves and , therefore saving those two real numbers in separate variables, we can save 2 multiplications.

Continous (Smooth) Coloring

Looking at the Mangelbrot Set in color, we can observe that the colors are not smoothly transitioning, since the different color regions are identifiable. This is a form of aliasing since the colors should be distributed continously over the space, since the Complex Space is continous, but we are working on a discrete space which is bounded by a width and height, therefore we have to work around that. The main idea to fix the aliasing is by normalizing the iteration count, therefore we have a more even distribution, so we artificially create a continous transition between colors. To implement the artificial continous transition we need to change the old breaking condition since we wanna get bigger values of for divergent areas, therefore it is necessary to enforce a bigger divergence criterium. For normalizing the , we can use a potential function.


New Divergence Criterium

Potentional Function

Condition for normalizing



The Mandelbrot Set in Color with smooth transitions and

The Mandelbrot Set in Color with smooth transitions

This method is really good for small , but don't really change anything for high since the the pixel depth is more dense which means the neighbourhood pixels cannot have as different divergence rates since more iterations are allowed.

Linear Interpolation

The last optimization we can do is interpolating the colors for the current and . This is combination is not desirable for low , but gives more detail if is very big like .


Interpolated version of the Mandelbrot Set with

Interpolated version of the Mandelbrot Set with


If we have a high , then the size of a pixel will create noise and to minimize that that noise we can introduce Super Sampling for every pixel. Since GLSL does not support randomness natively, I decided to use a grid approach instead of random approach. Therefore I divide a pixel into an grid with being the sample rate. With that we are able to get the midpoint for each square in the grid, find the complex number for that specific point, iterate the Mandelbrot Set Equation on it, and finally take the average of the sum of for all the midpoints in the grid. We use the average to color the pixel with that we are able to minimize the noise when zooming into the Mandelbrot Set which requires a high , but to create that scenario we first need to implement interactions.


Since we rendered the Mandelbrot Set using our GPU, we should try implementing some CPU operations to interact with it. I will implement the three interactions zooming, dragging, and resizing. They are all straightforward using Javascript since we have mouse events which we can listen to and then apply the action we want by computing the new boundaries. I will not go in detail of how I implemented those functions, but I give the mathematical equations to compute the new boundaries.




Now we can interact with the Mandelbrot Set and render even more interesting parts of it.

The Mandelbrot Set zoomed in Grey Scale


Let's have some fun with animations and investigate how the Mandelbrot Set is created by animating the starting from to for example . I decided to create a dynamic state which holds all the variables we have to set, and when they get updated we redraw the canvas with the WebGL context. Since we somehow have to start the animation, I decided to include React to the application for creating a GUI which allows to change all the variables, change between colors, and even save the rendered Mandelbrot Set as an image.

The animations are very simple in nature. We set to . Then we draw, increment by 1, and draw again, and increment again. This process is recursive and terminated if reaches a set threshold, in my case .

Problems encountered

First Problem

I encountered two problems. The first problem was that I wanted to render the Mandelbrot Set on the whole Screen, therefore using instead of using predefined I want to use dynamic values. The problem is not finding the display width and height, it is that the aspect ratio needs to be , but what if a display does not have those aspect ratio? Then the Mandelbrot Set will looked skewed. To solve the problem we need to define the height based on the ratio and the width.

Unfortunately, there are cases in which the new height is bigger than the device height, for that case we need to define the width based on the height and aspect ratio.

Second Problem

If we have a high , and the Complex Number is diverging, but at a high , then the color will be not distinguishable to its surrounding area, which results into aliasing. The solution to that is creating a histogram and assign colors based on the distribution of . Unfortunately, WebGL does not allow for dynamic array, therefore setting an array based on the will not be technical possible which ultimately showed me the limitation of WebGL.

Take away

I learned a lot through out in this project, starting from setting up a graphic's pipeline, connecting it to a GUI, and animating using the CPU.
But the most important lesson I learned was finding out about the limitation of technologies.




Animation of incrementing by 1 for each frame

Animation of incrementing by 0.01 for each frame


Mandelbrot Set
Plotting algorithms for the Mandelbrot Set
Plotting the Mandelbrot Set in Python
NewtonFractal in WebGL