The Last Cookie 🍪🕵️

This was a group project completed by Jo, Ahartisha, Anna, Karandeep, and Funmi in partial completion of the CFG Software Nanodegree.

The Last Cookie is our take on the classic WhoDunnit game. The user plays the role of the detective who is on a mission to find out who, in fact, stole the last cookie- they will achieve this by exploring different rooms and playing several games to achieve the clues required to successfully pinpoint a suspect.

The main file is text-based but entering the different 'rooms' in the game will open up their respective minigame which incorporates graphics. The completion of these minigames will result in a clue- when 5 are gathered and returned to the main detective 'Sherlock Scones', the game has been won.

To play the game:

  • Download all files
  • Navigate to the folder
  • Run main_game.exe

Here are the five minigames available to play:

The Maryland Maze 🍪 🔍

The Maryland Maze expects the user to traverse the Cookie Master's maze to retrieve the cookie crumbs to obtain the first clue. The user controls a Pikachu sprite through a binary-coded maze using specified keyboard buttons. If they encounter the fountain, they also achieve a speed boost, assisting them in their mission to retrieve the crumbs and escape.

This minigame was created in Turtle.

Save Gingy- A Game of Hangman 🍪 😮

Save Gingy is a twist on the classic game of Hangman. Inspired by a scene in the popular movie Shrek, Gingy is in danger of being broken apart by Lord Farquaad. It is up to the detective (the user) to guess the correct dessert-related word to successfully win a clue.

This minigame was created using the following modules and therefore requires their installation: Pygame, Random. It requires the user to press any key to access the hangman game and then clicking the buttons to put forward a letter. The character will lose parts of itself on the screen, giving the user 7 tries to guess the words. If they are unsuccessful, the image will disappear and an end screen will pop up confirming the loss and the correct word.

El Do-Cookie-Rado - A Platformer Game 🍪✨

A part of the text-based adventure game 'The Last Cookie' and as the detective on this case, it appears Queen Rich Tea may have fooled you into reading her book about the forgottem city of 'El Do-Cookie-Rado'. The book turns into a portal key and sucks you into a vortex, taking you to the legendary city itself. Complete the levels and collect as many cookies as possible to find the fourth clue you need for this mystery!


Use the package manager

pip to install arcade and pygame.

pip install arcade

pip install pygame


Assets were downloaded from:

Pixel Platformer Package by Kenney -

Happy Loops by Goose Ninja (Background Music) -

RetroSE Pack 01 by Ryuheidou (Sound Effects) -

Baguette Tennis 🥖 🍪

CLONE of the classic arcade and early home console game PONG.

Major Jamie Dodger-McCrumbs has a heart of jam, but a ferocious temper which makes for some sticky situations!

You must score 5 points against him to earn your precious clue.

Use the UP and DOWN cursor keys to move your baguette and deflect the Jammie Dodger back to your opponent.

Resources Pikachu - Baguette - Jammie Dodger #1 - Jammie Dodger #2 - Sounds -

Connect Four: Jammy Dodger and Chocolate Chip Cookie themed 🍪🍓🕵🏿‍♀️

CLONE of the classic board game "Connect Four"/"4 in a row".

The Cookie Mistress has spent the majority of her life philosophising on which is the superior biscuit type: Jammy Dodgers or Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you are able to beat her then she will provide you a clue. Due to personal circumstances, this game will be uploaded on a later date by way of an extension.

See below screenshots of the game so far.

Example of the Gameplay and Reset functionality alt-text

Title screen and Credits screen alt-text