Simple Selina Frontend Demo

Based on create-react-app


Source Code

Todo with comments

  • no css framework (scss only)
  • responsive UI (desktop / tab / bobile)
  • hooks (useSWR, useEffect and a couple of own)
  • image preprocessing/srcset (sharp for image on home page, cloudinary api for photos from selina)
  • navigation with react-router (maybe next.js could be a better solution for this app)
  • layout
    • simple metatags (react-helmet, title only for now)
    • header
      • logo
      • dropdown menu with locations (desktop - on hover, mobile - on click)
    • footer with 3 random locations (except current location)
  • home page with image
  • bonus 1: location page
    • image carousel (with images from location) (swiper)
    • content about location
      • location name
      • description (markdown)
      • other content from the response
    • event section
      • this section uses the 2nd API to get events per location.
      • a date picker should allow a user to select a date range with up to a month ahead.
      • the selected dates filter the results that are provided in the API.
      • for each event - display its content
  • bonus 2:
    have no time for this ((
    • create the carousel of images with an animation and a slider
    • add some buttons with CSS animations to the project
    • also - feel free to surprise us with anything you find cool!

Some caveats

For simplicity, some points were intentionally omitted and remain in the form of a todo list.

  • no polyfills for older browsers, including ie11 (e.g. react-app-polyfill, core-js, fetch, ...)
  • links to api are hardcoded, and are not taken from environment variables
  • the behavior of the drop-down menu is done only by css (using :hover and :focus pseudo-classes), although some points are better to be done using js
  • non-optimal code (frequent sorting of locations without caching the result, synchronous processing of markdown instead of asynchronous, ...)
  • the implementation of the carousel for images is a rather voluminous and time-consuming task, so was used a ready solution (swiper)
  • third-party packages were used with very basic settings (swr, swiper, ...)
  • there are not all necessary checks for possible errors (for example when accessing the api)
  • no lazy load of pictures
  • no normal unit and e2e tests
  • no page for 404 errors
  • ...

Getting Started


git clone
cd selina-demo-frontend
npm install
npm run start

Production build

npm install
npm run build
npx serve -s dist

Used Vendor Packages

  • classnames for dynamic classes
  • react-helmet for metatags (e.g. page title)
  • react-id-swiper, swiper for image carousel
  • react-router-dom for navigation between pages
  • unified, rehype-stringify, remark-parse, remark-rehype for markdown transforms
  • sass for styles
  • swr for requests to api
  • sharp for image resizing
  • react-snap for prerender