TLauncher Flatpak



  • Make sure you have flatpak installed (sudo apt install flatpak)
  • Download latest version from releases
  • Open using Software Installer on GNOME or Discover on KDE
    OR using command line: flatpak install [--user] ./TLauncher.flatpak

Build from Manifest

In case you don't trust my local flatpak package, you can also build it yourself:

  • Make sure you have flatpak-builder installed (sudo apt install flatpak-builder)
  • Clone this repository
git clone
cd org.tlauncher.TLauncher
  • Run builder and install any potentially missing runtimes
flatpak-builder --force-clean build/ --user --install org.tlauncher.TLauncher.yml
  • If successful you should have a TLauncher entry in your start menu