
The environment in Docker for spider to get static or dynamic web pages html and analytic it.

Primary LanguageShell


The environment in Docker for spider to get static or dynamic web pages html and analytic it.


  • requests
  • selenium + chrome
  • selenium + firefox
  • beautifulsoup
  • lxml
  • Scrapy

No Support

  • selenium + phantomjs

Environment variables

  • SUPER_ADMIN_NAME supervisor web login user name (default user)
  • SUPER_ADMIN_PWD supervisor web login user password (default 123456)
  • CONFIG_DIR the user spider programs config dir name (default config)

How to use

Get image from DockerHub
$ docker pull leafney/alpine-spiderenv-py2
Build image
$ docker build -t="leafney/alpine-spiderenv-py2" .
Create a default container
$ docker run --name spiderenv -d -p 9001:9001 -p 61208:61208 leafney/alpine-spiderenv-py2

And then open browser with url http://localhost:9001 for supervisor web page by default user name user and password 123456 and open with url http://localhost:61208 for glances web page.

Create a container to run your spider programs

Create the container with host directory /home/tiger/spiderfile (which can be set by yourself) mount to container default directory /app .

Here to change the supervisor web page user login password to tiger .

$ docker run --name spiderenv -v /home/tiger/spiderfile:/app -d -p 9001:9001 -p 61208:61208 -e SUPER_ADMIN_PWD=tiger leafney/alpine-spiderenv-py2

Get the three directory under /app folder in the git library sample program copy to the /home/tiger/spiderfile directory:

-- config
    -- hello.conf
-- logs
-- spider
    -- hello
        -- hello.py
  • config This directory is used to store the configuration files that the crawler program is called by supervisor. The default extension is *.conf,and the directory folder name can be customized by the environment variable CONFIG_DIR,but it should be consistent
  • logs directory used to store the crawler program is generated by the supervisor log file, can be specified in the config directory of the corresponding configuration file reptiles
  • spider this directory is used to store the crawler programs and dependent files

In the spider directory, there is a default hello.py sample crawler.

The hello.conf configuration file under config directory:

;hello spider program

[program:spider_hello]   		            ; program name
command=python hello.py     				; the program (relative uses PATH, can take args)
directory=/app/spider/hello 	            ; directory to cwd to before exec (def no cwd)
user=root   								; setuid to this UNIX account to run the program
autostart=true                           	; start at supervisord start (default: true)
autorestart=true                         	; whether/when to restart (default: unexpected.May be one of false, unexpected, or true)
startsecs=10  								; number of secs prog must stay running (def. 1)
startretries=3                              ; max # of serial start failures (default 3)
stdout_logfile=/app/logs/hello_out.log       ; stdout log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
stderr_logfile=/app/logs/hello_err.log       ; stderr log path, NONE for none; default AUTO

The directory path of the configuration file in *.conf is the absolute path set for the program directory /app in the container. It is recommended to use an absolute path such as directory=/app/spider/hello. You can also use relative paths such as directory=spider/hello.

In addition, in order to prevent the problem caused by the permission denied of the program executing, the default implementation of the user is set to root.


After the configuration files and reptiles to add to the corresponding directory, restart the container, through the web interface to view the crawler running.

$ docker restart spiderenv

Installation Library

  • python 2.7.x
  • sqlite3
  • requests
  • selenium + firefox + chrome
  • beautifulsoup4
  • xmltodict
  • lxml
  • Scrapy
  • apscheduler
  • supervisor
  • glances