
My Personal ZSH Setup

Primary LanguageShell

My Personal ZSH Setup


I used the default .zshrc generated when I first entered zsh. Basically it configures the command line completion, plus history settings and a default prompt theme.

Here's what I did on top of the default rc file:

  • Use my own prompt theme 'zoe'
  • Keybindings
    • set to vi keybindings. press ESC to enter normal mode for complex editing
    • map some emacs/bash control keys
  • a few aliases

the prompt theme

This theme is modified based on the 'pws' theme along with the zsh distro, which prints minimal yet useful info. I tuned it a bit, still trying to make it clean.

It prints:

  • status indicator: green '>' or red 'x'
  • PWD up to 3 levels
  • git branch info with changes indicated
    • ! - staged changes
    • * - unstaged changes
    • |action - action name when an action is active
  • on the right side:
    • status code if non-zero
    • + sign if shell is not at top level
    • number of background jobs if any
    • time with Ding! on the hour

I put my prompt theme in .zfuncs, which should be added to zsh's fpath. To make it loaded correctly, you should change its owner and mode to: (otherwise the compinit command will give you warning)

sudo chown -R ${USER}:root .zfuncs
sudo chmod 755 .zfuncs