
polyominoes enumeration and so on

Primary LanguageRacket

Polyomino Enumerator Written in Racket

Supported polyomino types:

  • fixed
  • one-sided
  • free

Main functions:

polyomino enumeration:

  • (gen-polyo-of n 'free)
  • (gen-polyo-upto n 'one-sided)

visualize shapes:

  • (shape->pict a-shape)
  • (map shape->pict list-of-shapes)
  • (deepmap shape->pict nested-list-of-shapes)


The following example (see "run.rkt") generates and visualizes the Tetrominoes as in the game:

#lang slideshow

(require "shapes/polyo.rkt"

(define tetrominoes (gen-polyo-of 4 'one-sided))
(map shape->pict tetrominoes)

which displays: