Trello Inbox

A tool for accepting and tracking ideas and suggestions submitted to Trello.


When the project is first cloned there are a couple of steps that need to be done to get it running.

gem install bundler
gem install powder

bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Install postgres. On Mac the easiest way is using, for other options see the comments in config/database.yml.

Install the frontend dependencies, note that it requires node version 4.2.x and npm version 3.3.x (the easiest way to run a specific version of node is nvm).

npm install

You also need to setup the environment variables.

cp .env.example .env

Add the credentials for Google OAuth2 and Trello.


When you grab a new version you need to get any new dependencies.

bundle install
npm install

If the database has changed you need to migrate your local database.

bundle exec rake db:migrate


Along side the regular rails server (powder or rails s) you need to start some other things in development for everything to work. Webpack is used to build our frontend assets and is required.

bundle exec rake webpack

Ultrahook is used for allowing Trello to send webhooks to your local machine. It is only needed if you want get changes from Trello back to your development environment. Sign up for ultrahook and set the WEBHOOK_DOMAIN environment variable to include your subdomain.

bundle exec rake ultrahook


Trello Inbox is setup to be deployed to Heroku, it also requires Google OAuth2.

Google OAuth2

This is used for authentication. You'll need to setup OAuth2 credentials with Google, see the Google Developer docs for more info.


For the app to integrate with Trello you need a user will be the voice of Trello Inbox on Trello. You can use an existing user, but it will make more sense to make a specific user clearly marked as the Inbox user. You can get the API credentials for your user on this page. You need the API key and Token. You also need the ID of your Organization, I don't know of a simple way of finding this at the moment.


Create an app that has the Postgres add-on and hook it up using the Heroku Toolbelt. See the Heroku Docs for more details.

You will need to add the necessary buildpacks before deploying.

heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs

Environment variables

The credentials from Google OAuth2 and Trello need to be added to the Heroku app. It's easiest to push the local .env file and then replace the values:

heroku config:push


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request