This repository contains a framework to support developing autonomous agents for the boardgame AZUL, published by Plan B Games. The game frame is forked from Michelle Blom's repository, and GUI is developed by Guang Hu and Ruihan Zhang. The code is in Python 3.
Students should be able to use this frame and develop their own agent under the directory players. This framework is able to run AZUL with two agents in a 1v1 game, and GUI will allow user to navigate through recorded game states. In addition, a replay can be saved and played for debug purpose.
Some information about the game:
Python 3 is required, and library tkinter should be installed along with python 3.
The code uses three library that required to be installed: numpy
, which can be done with the following command:
pip install numpy tqdm func_timeout
If have both python 2 and python 3 installed, you might need to use following command:
pip3 install numpy tqdm func_timeout
In some OS, such as Ubuntu 18.04, tk is not pre-installed, you might get a mistake such as:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'
It can be fixed with:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
The code example can be run with command:
, which will run the game with two default players (naive_player).
A standard example to run the code would be:
python -r naive_player -b random_player -s
Other command line option can be viewed with argument: -h
or --help
When a game ends, the GUI will pause to allow user selecting each states on listbox (right side of the window), and it will change accordingly. And replay file will be generated once the GUI window is closed.
For Debug purpose: Please use the Example.ipynb to start
Extra function
- timeout limit
- timeout warning and fail
- replay system
- GUI displayer (allow switch)
- delay time setting
class and parameters
Runner with timelimit, timeout warnings, displayer, replay system. It returns a replay file.
Use replay file to unfold a replay
GUI game displayer, you coud click items in the list box and use arrow keys to select move.