
A web framework for Ceylon

Primary LanguageCeylon

Cayla 0.2.6 : a web framework for Ceylon

Provides a programming model for the Ceylon language and make good use of Ceylon.

Build on top of

  • Vert.x
  • Promises

Current deployed version 0.2.6, read the module Documentation.

Building current master

ceylon compile cayla

Testing current master

ceylon compile --source test-source test.cayla
ceylon run test.cayla/0.2.6


ceylon compile --source=examples-source examples.cayla

Hello World

A simple page with a form.

run with

ceylon run --run=examples.cayla.helloworld.run examples.cayla/1.0.0

Chuck Norris

Display a Chuck Norris fact retrieved from a Rest service.

  • Shows Promise API
  • Uses Vert.x async non blocking Http Client

run with

ceylon run --run=examples.cayla.chucknorris.run examples.cayla/1.0.0


Some examples showing http request routing with parameters.

run with

ceylon run --run=examples.cayla.parameters.run examples.cayla/1.0.0


A simple web proxy.

  • Shows Promise API
  • Uses Vert.x async non blocking Http Client

run with

ceylon run --run=examples.cayla.proxy.run examples.cayla/1.0.0

Rythm Engine

Example of Rythm engine integration

run with

ceylon run --run=examples.cayla.rythm.run examples.cayla/1.0.0