
Dočasný web pro kurz webového frontendu

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



With node.js installed run

sudo npm i gulp-cli -g
npm i


Enjoy automatic refreshing of everything by running.

gulp develop

Content writing

There is no automatic generation of pages. You have to specify which .md file get's loaded where and all the links.

Top sections are divided by \n---\n while subsections are divided by \n----\n.

For tasks add <!-- .slide: data-state="c-slide-task" --> at the beggining of the section.

Put HTML examples into <div class="c-example example-foo"> where example-foo is a name of your choice and add styling to examples.scss file.


With installed surge client (npm i surge -g) run

gulp deploy

Note: you need to have access to surge account (just ask Dan Srb).