
Android Mobile App: Java, Android Studio, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Javascript, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, Codacy, Travis CI, CI/CD on GitHub

Primary LanguageJava

Backend CD
Node.js CI Build Status code style: prettier
Android CI
Codacy Badge codecov


Android Mobile App: Java, Android Studio, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Javascript, MongoDB, Microsoft Azure, Codacy, Travis CI, CI/CD on GitHub

Project description

Closet is an Android mobile app that tries to help people who have trouble deciding what to wear tomorrow. Users can manage thier closet by add/update/delete a cloth and view clothes by category. Moreover, users can check the weather, suggested outfit ideas, calendar, and profile in the Closet app. The app automatically provides users with a list of outfit suggestions on the home page based on users preferences (likes/dislikes), weather, holidays and special events.

Here are some of Closet app's screenshots:

Login page, home page, user indicate like/dislike


closet page, add a cloth to closet, create a user-defined outfit


calender page, profile page, update profile information



External API calls:

  • Check calendar for special events (Google Calendar)
  • Check weather (OpenWeather API)

Real time updates (push notification):

  • Welcome notification when the user logs in

Outfit recommendation Algorithm:

We define 3 pieces of clothing as a complete outfit and select a shirt/outerwear, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes from the user's closet to make an outfit recommendation. Our recommendations are based on the user's preferences (likes/dislikes), the weather of the day, holidays and special events. Users can express their likes/dislikes on our recommended outfits and even create their own outfit ideas!

Clean and beautiful UI

Login authentication and security

Deploy backend sever into the VM on Azure

Project videos

Wanna see a demo and/or get an overview about our code structure? Check out our project videos on Youtube!

Other Resources

Try out our released apk : Closet.apk

Design and Implementation Documents: All under Documentation folder

Screenshots: All under Screenshots folder

Azure Server

  • VM Name: closet
  • Public IP:
  • DNS: closet-cpen321.westus.cloudapp.azure.com
  • User closet
  • Password: (feel free to save your ssh keys)
  • Auto-shutdown: 1:01:00 AM PST
  • Is the server up and running? curl http://closet-cpen321.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/version

Backend deployment

Pull backend code

cd /home/closet/closet/backend    # change directory
git fetch --all                   # fetch all
git reset --hard origin/master    # remove all local chanegs!!!
npm install                       # if not installed
npm run test                      # feel free to run test to check

Run as service closet-backend

  • Service is set to restart on fail or on reboot
  • Partial environemnt variable is set already in the service file
sudo systemctl status closet-backend    # check status (partial log)
sudo systemctl start closet-backend     # start service
sudo systemctl stop closet-backend      # stop service
sudo systemctl restart closet-backend   # restart service
sudo systemctl enable                   # enable to run on boot

Service log

  • Should also put into another location so we can have a clean log for each start of backend
journalctl -u closet-backend          # all logs (use SHIFT-G to go to the bottom)
journalctl -u closet-backend -f       # follow low

Modify service

  • A copy of service file is in this repository closet/backend/closet-backend.service
sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/closet-backend.service   # edit service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload                          # reload service file
sudo systemctl start closet-backend                   # start service

sudo chmod +x /home/closet/closet/backend/index.js    # add exceutable permissions to express app
sudo chmod go+w /home/closet/closet/backend           # allows any users to write the app folder (for using fs)