
Part1: Cofirming you have Python 3.9

You will need to have Python 3.9 installed for this class.

Q: How do I know which versions of Python I have installed?

  • Search for "Python" on your computer and see what comes up.
  • Some popular places where you might find Python installed:
    • Applications
    • /usr/bin
    • /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions (on Mac)

Q: How do I know I am using Python 3.9 when I run a program?

  • If you use an IDE like IDLE or a platform like Anaconda, launch it, and see what version it says it is.
  • If you use the terminal to run Python programs, launch a terminal and type:
    python3 --version

Q: Okay, I definitely have 3.9 installed somewhere, but when I type python3 --version in a terminal, it says a different version.

Often you can use 3.9 by typing python3.9 instead of python3. You can make python3 an alias for python3.9 by adding this line to your .bashrc file:

alias python3="python3.9"

Q: I definitely don't have 3.9 installed. How should I get it?

  • Get 3.9 and a whole lot more by downloading and installing Anaconda (recommended).
  • Install from source or using an installer at here.

Part 2: Make a Personalized Slide

  1. Using PowerPoint, Keynote, or Google Slides, create a single landscape mode PDF called yourname.pdf containing the following information:
  • Your name as it appears in Canvas.
  • The name you prefer to be called.
  • A photo of you that resembles what you currently look like.
  1. Upload the PDF to Canvas. (Future assignments will be submitted using GitHub, which you'll learn about in Lab #1.)

Part 3: Create a GitHub account

If you do not have a GitHub account, create one here.

Once you have a GitHub account, edit your GitHub profile so that the Name associated with your GitHub user ID exactly matches your name in Canvas. We must know the name associated with your GitHub ID so that we can enter your grades correctly in the Canvas gradebook. Go to GitHub, click on the funny geometric icon (or whatever photo you might already have uploaded) in the upper right corner, and select Settings. In the Name field of your Public Profile, enter your name as it appears in Canvas.

Part 4: Course Survey

Take this short survey.