
Message notification via LINE Notify with personal token.

Primary LanguageJava


Message notification via LINE Notify with personal token.

About LINE Notify



$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Dlogging.file=${YOUR_LOG_DIR} -Dlogging.level.ROOT=${LEVEL} -jar line-notify-gateway.jar

Run from Docker

docker run -d -p 18081:18081 -e line-notify.personal-access-token='${YOUR_LINE_NOTIFY_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN}' --name line-notify-gateway nontster/line-notify-gateway

Instant alert

POST /v1/notify-with-token?noify_token=${YOUR_LINE_NOTIFY_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN}&notify_service=${YOUR_SERVICE_NAME}&message=${YOUR_MESSAGE}
  • noify_token (required)
  • notify_service (required)
  • message (required)
  • thumbnail_url (optional)
  • image_url (optional)
  • sticker (optional)

If you specify access token via environment variable when start application you can omit noify_token parameter and use below API instead

POST /v1/notify?notify_service=${YOUR_SERVICE_NAME}&message=${YOUR_MESSAGE}
  • notify_service (required)
  • message (required)
  • thumbnail_url (optional)
  • image_url (optional)
  • sticker (optional)

Sticker list (https://devdocs.line.me/files/sticker_list.pdf)

Prometheus Alertmanager Webhook event

POST /v1/alertmanager/payload?noify_token=${YOUR_LINE_NOTIFY_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json

JSON message format from Prometheus Alertmanager

  "version": "4",
  "groupKey": <string>,    // key identifying the group of alerts (e.g. to deduplicate)
  "status": "<resolved|firing>",
  "receiver": <string>,
  "groupLabels": <object>,
  "commonLabels": <object>,
  "commonAnnotations": <object>,
  "externalURL": <string>,  // backlink to the Alertmanager.
  "alerts": [
      "status": "<resolved|firing>",
      "labels": <object>,
      "annotations": <object>,
      "startsAt": "<rfc3339>",
      "endsAt": "<rfc3339>",
      "generatorURL": <string> // identifies the entity that caused the alert

Line Notify template for Firing Alert

Alert {{groupLabels.alertname}} is {{status}}
Severity {{commonLabels.severity}}

Affected nodes,
  - {{labels.instance}}

Line Notify template for Resolved Alert

Alert {{groupLabels.alertname}} for nodes below has been {{status}}
    - {{labels.instance}}


  • (2,24) for alert firing
  • (1,114) for alert resolved

About Mustache

GitHub Webhook events

POST /v1/github/payload?noify_token=${YOUR_LINE_NOTIFY_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json

Support Webhook Event Types

Currently support GitHub Event Types are create, issues, issue_comment, pull_request, pull_request_review, pull_request_review_comment, release


GET /management/metrics