
Key-value storage engine built using complex data structures

Primary LanguageGo

About the engine

Walgoritam is a key-value storage engine that features many different advanced programming structures, providing the best user experience while having lightning fast request processing capabilities regardless of the database size.

Request options

Walgoritam can process the following list of requests:

  • PUT <key> <value>
  • GET <key>
  • DEL <key>
  • GET_REQ_PER_KEY <key>
  • PUT_HLL <key> <p_value>
  • PUT_CMS <key> <epsilon_value> <delta_value>

Request descriptions

PUT -> Puts the key-value pair into the engine
GET -> Retreives the corresponding value from the engine
DEL -> Removes the specified key-value pair from the engine
GET_TOTAL_KEYS -> Returns unique key count from the engine
GET_REQ_PER_KEY -> Returns unique request count from the engine for the specified key
PUT_HLL -> Creates and puts a custom HyperLogLog structure into the engine with the parameters specified
PUT_CMS -> Creates and puts a custom CountMinSketch structure into the engine with the parameters specified

Note: In order to retreive custom HLL or CMS structures from the engine, in the GET request, put _HLL and _CMS before the actual key value respectively. Same rules apply to the DEL request as well.