
A walkthrough of Redux by creating a Book List Application. This walkthrough delves into all of the essential features of the library such as: reducers, application state, actions, action creators and containers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is Redux?

Redux is a predictable state container for javascript applications. Lets consider a traditional javascript application. Lets say that we're making an app that displays a list of books and it can show a list of books over on the left hand side. When a user clicks on a book, it will show details about that book to the user.

When taking a second look, consider the structure of the application both on the view layer and data layer. The app is really divided into two parts, the data that powers the app and the views that display that data. There's two types of data that make that app work: a list of books which are displayed on the sidebar and a currently selected book which is displayed in the detail view. On the view side, we have a list view, list item, detail view (which shows the detail for the currently selected book).

Redux is the data contained inside this application box whereas React is really the views contained inside the app box. When redux explains itself as a state container, it really means a collection of all the data that describes the app. This not only includes the hard data such as the list of books but it also includes more meta level properties like what is the currently selected book. React on the other hand represents the views which translates the app's data into something that can be displayed on the screen which the user can interact with. Redux centralizes all of the data into a single object which is referred to as the state (application level state).

More Examples with Redux


A reducer is a function that returns a piece of the application state. Because our application can have many pieces of state, we can have many different reducers. Lets go back to our book app diagram. Our application state has two pieces: the list of books, and the currently selected book. So we can have two different reducers for this: one would be responsible for producing the list of books and the other would be responsible for producing the currently selected book.

Container: Connecting React to Redux

Connecting these two separate libraries Redux and React is done with a separate library called "React Redux". What we do is we define one of our components as a container. A container is a react component that has a direct connection to the state managed by redux. The "react-redux" library is what forms the bridge between those two separate libraries. The only time where we ever get this bridge available where we can take a react component and inject state into it and data into it is a component called a container. In the documentation, containers are sometimes called "smart components", so right now what we have is a "dumb component" because it doesn't have any direct connection to redux. We usually separate containers and components in different folders.

Which Component Do We Want As The Container?

In general, we want the most parent component that cares about a particular piece of state to be a container. So your first answer might be...well the whole app container cares about the state. Right? The whole app needs to care about the list of books and the app needs to know about the current active book. When we say "app", we're talking specifically about our component called App.js. However, the only thing the app is here for...is to say "hey, please render book list to the page and please render book detail to the page". So maybe both book list and book detail should be smart components or container that have a direct connection to redux whereas app should be a dumb component or component; normally, a component that doesn't have any touch or any handle on the data that's contained within redux.

Something to note is that only the most parent component that uses a particular piece of state needs to be connected to redux. So again the app doesn't really care about the active book, the book detail does. If the book list had some other child component that cared about the book list, we wouldn't really want to connect to that child component and state as well, only the parent which in this case would be the book list. We've determined that the book list needs to be connected to the books piece of state.

Importing Redux into BookList

At the very top of the component, we imported "react-redux", specifically the connect function. Connect takes a function and a component and produces a container. The container is a component that is aware of the state contained within redux. The mapStateToProps function is key here, the first argument is the state and it returns an object; whatever object is returned will be available to our component as this.props. In our case, we want access to this.props.books. So we return an object with a key of books and a value of state.books because our books reducer is returning the books property here or array of books. Two things to note now is that whenever our application state changes, lets say we're loading a list of books from some remote server which takes some time or a user clicks on something and that changes the list of books; if our state ever changes, this container will instantly render with the new list of books. Another thing is by using connect, whenever the application state changes, the object in the state function will be assigned as props to the component.

Containers and Reducers Review

First, remember that Redux serves to construct the application state and react provides the views to display that state. The two libraries and disconnected and only via the use of 'react-redux' that we get any clear connection between the two. Next, the application state is generated by reducer functions. We created one reducer called "reducers_book.js" (BooksReducer) which always returns an array of books no matter what. The array contains a list of objects where each obj represents each book (the title). We added the BooksReducer to our combined reducers call (combineReducers()) inside of index.js inside of reducers folder. This reducers going to add a key to our global application state called books where the key is books and the value is whatever gets returned from the BooksReducer which in this case is our array of books. Our state is really just always going to be equal to an object with a key of books and a value of an array of books. Thats it.

Next we created a component called BookList. It started off as a component but then we decided that it needed to be aware of our state within our redux side of the application. Because BookList had to be aware of that state, we decided to promote it to a container, and we did that by importing the connect function from react-redux and then we defined mapStateToProps and we hooked our component together with mapStateToProps with our connect function. We chose the BookList component to connect to the redux store specifically because only BookList in our application only cares about the books. App.js doesn't really care and it doesn't need to know about the list of books at all. In the end, we made sure that app.js rendered our BookList.

Redux generated a state object that contained our books and then mapped that state as props to our component. Because the state was updated via our reducer, our component re-rendered with that list of books.

Actions and Action Creators

One problem is that our BooksReducer lists the same books. So in other words, our application state is always the same. Its 100% static. We don't have the ability to change that state over time. In a little bit, we're going to want to be able to introduce the concept of an active book. Of course, the active book needs to be able to change upon the user clicking buttons. Changing state is what action and action creators are for.

Lifecycle of Actions in Redux Application

Everything in a redux app starts off with an event triggered by a user either directly or indirectly. This event could be them clicking on a button, or selecting an item from a dropdown or it can be indirect things like an AJAX request finishing loading up or a page initially loading up on the actual web page. All of these events can optionally call an action creator. An action creator is a function that returns an action. So the action creator returns an object when a button is clicked and that object is then automatically sent to all the different reducers inside of the application. We might have 20 different reducers, all of these actions are going to flow via all of those reducers. Reducers can choose depending on the action to return a different piece of state depending on what the action is. That newly returned piece of state then gets piped into the application state and that application state then gets pumped back into our react application which causes all of our components to re-render.

Binding Action Creators

Our goal here is to give the ability our user to click on a book and see a detail containing more information about it. Step 1 in this process is to make sure that clicking on a book will actually trigger an action creator. So we'll define an action creator and we're to make sure we call it everytime the user clicks on a book title. So we created an action creator in index.js under the actions folder and import the selectBook function to the BookList container. Next we'll import a function called bindActionCreators from Redux. The function from redux makes sures that actions generated actually end up flowing through all the different reducers in our application.

Now we added a function in the BookList container called mapDispatchToProps which returns the bindActionCreators function from redux incorporating the selectBook action creator we defined earlier and then added that to the export line where we connect now both mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps to the BookList container.

Creating an Action

In this section, we're going to verify that we can actually call it an action creator and then we're going to add an actual action to it that's usable by our different reducers. Now whenever a user clicks on the line item for a particular book, we can call our action creator. In the last section, when we connected the action creator to the container, we made it available as a prop specifically, this.props.selectBook. If we add a click event handler on our li tag under the renderList() method, we can call the action creator as simply this this.props.selectBook. Remember, we want to call the action creator with the particular book that was clicked on. Now that we've added the onClick event handler to our BookList class, we're successfully able to click on the button of the book list. Step 2 is to make sure that our action creator returns a usable action that can flow through all their reducers. So our action has more or less the same type of signature. Its a javascript object with a type property that describes the type of action and also contains some information about that further describes that event. So now we want to basically enhance our action creator in the index.js file under the actions folder so it returns a usable action. Generally actions have two values: a type and a payload. The payload further describes the actions triggered. Now that we've modified the action, we now have an action thats being pumped into all of our reducers via mapDispatchToProps function.

Consuming Actions in Reducers

We've made our action creator and know its getting called. The action creators are turning into actual actions. Since we wired up our BookList as a container, the result of the action creator is being automatically sent to all of our different reducers. All we have to do now is creator our active book reducer and we're good to go. So I've created a new reducer called reducer_active_book.js. All reducers get two arguments: the current state and action. Reducers are only called when actions occur.

Our reducer is going to be called whenever an action is dispatched by our out. This means that the function is going to get called frequently. Sometimes, the action doesnt concern to any particular reducer and we need to handle a case in which an action is dispatched which the reducer doesn't care about. We really need a base case to just return the current state. In other words, if we dont care about the current action, just pass the state back through. Now for when the reducer does care about the action; most redux reducers are setup with javascript switch statements where the switch statement is going to look at the actions type and its one we care about, we'll return a new state.

One thing we need to be aware of is that we need to handle the case in which the user first boots the application up and no book is immediately selected. We cant throw an undefined value initially at the user because redux doensn't allow for undefined values. To handle this initial case, we'll default the value of the staet argument to null. That's a piece of ES6 syntax and basically says when that argument comes in, if its undefined. return null. Its important to note that we can never mutate our current state to produce a new verion of the state. The object we return from our reducer must always be 100% fresh and clean. We need our reducers to be connected into the combined reducers statement in index.js under reducers folder.

So now we've imported ActiveBook reducer and then we added it our combinedReducers as another piece of state. Any key to the object that we provide to combinedReducers ends up as a key on our global state.

To conclude, we've created a reducer that called the 'BOOK_SELECTED' action and returns the payload. The selected book will now end up as the value for ActiveBook on our state.

... Con't

Now that we've added the reducer_active_book.js which produces a new piece of applicaton state whenever the 'BOOK_SELECTED' action is triggered, we are now going to start fleshing out the Book Detail View whenever there is a selected book.

We need to figure out whether that's going to be a component or container. Note that we make containers when we want to have a component that can touch the redux state directly. We know what our book is and we know when it changes. It makes sense to make the book detail a container. Only the book detail cares about the active book. So we'll make the activebook a container too.

So we've created and started working on the book-detail.js container and wired it up to our app.js. We need to also hook up the book-detail.js to the redux store so it gets told about changes to the active piece of state. It'll be the same with BookList. We'll import the connect helper and connect our application state to the props of this container. We do that by defining a function called mapStateToProps and then we connect mapStateToProps to BookDetail.


Redux is in charge of managing our application state and that state is a single plain javascript object. Application states and components state are completely different and there no connection between them. Application state is formed by our reducers. Our reducers all get tied together with this combinedReducers method inside of our reducers index.js file. For each key in our combineReducers object, we assign one reducer and that reducer is responsible for creating that piece of state. So whatever active book reducer returns will be available as our active book piece of application state. Redux are in charge of manipulating or changing our app state over time which they do with actions. So whenever an action is dispatched, it flows through all of the different reducers in our application and each reducer has the option to return a different piece of state than the usual based on that type of action that was received. Finally, actions and action creators are just simple functions that return an action. and an action is just a plain javascript object. Actions must always have a type defined and they can optionally have a payload or any other number of properties. Generally speaking, we tend to call it a payload. Just convention