
Modern website for organization of foodsaving groups worldwide (AngularJS frontend code) - also: central location for feature planning

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CodeCov CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities

foodsaving frontend

Welcome to the foodsaving tool frontend repository! This is the browser-side software that powers foodsaving worldwide.

yunity and foodsaving

The foodsaving tool is a project of yunity. The foodsaving worldwide team within yunity provides additional resources to build up foodsaving. At a later point, more features could be added that support the yunity vision and mission, e.g. multi-sharing communities, item pooling, integrated decision making (syscon).

Development goals

Our current development goals are prioritized and written down in our elaborate roadmap.

We are keeping the features down to a minimum (check out that meeting's notes), in order to progressively build up a useful tool.


Look into our change log file for a quick overview of past versions and recent changes.

Potential users

In future, we want our feature requests to come directly from foodsaving communities, to fulfill their needs and desires.

We don't have testing communities yet: we are in touch with existing foodsaving networks who have shown interest in testing the tool once it presents sufficient features for them.


We are using Transifex to provide the foodsaving tool in many languages. To help us with translation, please create an account and apply for foodsaving tool group.

After selecting your destination language and choosing the resource file, go ahead to start translating!



  • nodejs and npm
  • gulp npm install -g gulp
  • chrome or chromium (for testing)

To clone and install

git clone https://github.com/yunity/foodsaving-frontend.git
cd foodsaving-frontend
npm install

To run the local dev server

npm run dev

To lint and run the tests

npm run lint
npm run test

If you want to use an eslint plugin for your editor, please keep in mind that you either have to install all eslint plugins listed in package.json globally or you run npm install. Otherwise your eslint plugin may not work.

Start contributing?

Be sure to join us in the #foodsaving-tool chatroom on slack and get in contact! The most important information are written down in our contribution guidelines.

The backend is developed to support this frontend. If you find a bug or miss something in the API, please file an issue in the backend repository.