Simply run main.exe(standalone executable), NO NEED TO INSTALL PYTHON FOR THIS! Just follow How to Setup.
This is a single Python3 file which will notify you regarding vaccine availability via E-mail as well as SMS!
Tested with other online services like Under45, it is definitely faster and much more reliable than that.
Added a main.exe file to run the script without running the main.py file!
In my testing it notified for vaccine before it showed up on Cowin website!
Use this only if you want E-Mail and/or SMS Notifications. The actuall app WILL PRINT slot availability!
Install AirMore app on your smartphone: If you want SMS functionality Andriod Play Store.
Note: Your smartphone will be used to send SMS notification, carrier charges may apply.
Enter your ipaddress from AirMore app(3 dots -> Get IP) in params.txt -> ipadress, make sure phone and pc are on same WiFi network.
Setup a dummy Gmail account: If you want E-Mail functionality. Turn on less secure apps on the Gmail account. Link
Enter your Email ID in params.txt -> gmail_user.
Enter your Password in params.txt -> gmail_password.
Enter the number of days after which you want to check availability in params.txt -> period.
Enter the amount of delay in seconds after which you want to check for update params.txt -> speed.
Note: do not reduce under 3 seconds. 10 seconds is what I tested for.
Make sure you have
installed on your machine. -
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Update params.txt file, Look at Setup.
python main.py
OROpen main.exe