- Install via PIP or Virtual ENV - pip install pypiwin32
- Dont run it without MS Outlook Open :)
- Run the program and you will see a csv created called "large.csv" which will be large if you have a ton of emails that you have received.
- The output will contain email addresses in a format that you dont typically see ""/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=34307B3450D64E76960D375D5702D3C6-XXXXX". Remove \t and double quotes in a notepad++. Then copy paste the cleaned up data and paste into outlook, it is smart enough to identify who it is so all you need to do is copy paste from the csv after cleansing into a outlook to or cc or Bcc list, please Control+_K or Check Names and you should see all the emails pop up. Remove emails that are not valid.
- Note this pulls all the email addresses you have received email from, please be smart and dont look like an "idiot" including distribution lists in your email address. Dont be lazy on your last day.
- Remove Duplicates using excel using the "remove duplicate"
- Enjoy!!
If you need to pull a list of people who have emailed you in the past then you can use this utility and filter out who were irrelevant. :)