
I want to implement this function

mdddj opened this issue · 4 comments

mdddj commented

当我们回复客户的时候,发送一个URL链接, 客户点击该链接后,在宿主APP中跳转到指定的页面,请问有办法监听到客户点击的某个消息链接吗

When we reply to the customer, we send a URL link. After the customer clicks the link, it will jump to the specified page in the host APP. Is there a way to monitor a certain message link clicked by the customer?

mdddj commented


Listen to the user's click on the "URL" message event, and execute the jump in the APP

Hi @mdddj, Thanks for reaching out.
We are planning to add an option to create a handler for links in one of our upcoming updates.

We will be keeping posted here as soon as the update rolls out.

mdddj commented

Hi @mdddj, Thanks for reaching out. We are planning to add an option to create a handler for links in one of our upcoming updates.

We will be keeping posted here as soon as the update rolls out.

Okay thank you

Hi @mdddj ,

Sorry for the delayed release. We have implemented your above requirement in the latest update. Please check out the version 2.0.0. For more details about the implementation please refer to this documentation with handleURL event.

Bhahirathan M,