
Need support for web platform

pvsvamsi opened this issue · 5 comments

We are using this plugin for ios, android app and need the support for web platform, as our web app is built on flutter.

Hello @pvsvamsi ,

Thanks for writing to us. As of now, we don't have web support for flutter. Please refer to this documentation for website integration.

For further queries, please feel free to write us at support@zohosalesiq.com. We will be happy to assist you.

Bhahirathan M.

@DavidBhahirathan The provided documentation doesn't guide us in using the script in a flutter web application. So please guide for the same.

Note : We are trying to integrate salesiq in a flutter web application. It's not same as a website.

Hi @pvsvamsi ,

Please write to us at support@zohosalesiq.com with the Github issue ID to help you further. We'll be happy to assist you.


Our company is using Flutter for iOS, Android and web also. We really wished this plugin was made in to a federated one and can support web. Otherwise our code base will have too many complications and maintenance/versioning problems. This is the biggest strength of Flutter, why is ZOHO not considering adding web support for this package? It shouldn't be hard.


We plan to add web support for Flutter, but it is not currently on our immediate roadmap. We will keep you updated on the progress of this feature and notify you once it is released.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,
Zoho SalesIQ.