
Android Release Mode issue with chat

ivangoluuk opened this issue · 4 comments

There is a chat issue with android in release mode but no in debug mode . Is there a different configuration between debug and release mode ?

Why in Release mode, Messages in chat appear as sent by the bot and not by the user?

Hi @ivangoluuk ,

Thanks for writing to us. We'll look into this issue and update you here once resolved.

Bhahirathan M,
Zoho SalesIQ.

Thank u 🙏🏻

Hi @ivangoluuk ,

Thank you for your patience. We have fixed this issue. We recommend you update to the latest version 3.1.0, and verify. Please feel free to write back to us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) if the issue persists.

Bhahirathan M
Zoho SalesIQ.