This PowerShell module allows you to easily interact with the Registry Functions apart of the advapi32 dll.
Current Implemented Functions
- Create-RegKey (RegCreateKeyEx)
- Delete-RegKey (RegDeleteKeyEx)
- Set-RegKeyValue (RegSetValueEx & RegOpenKeyEx)
Import the module in PowerShell :
Import-Module "PATH_TO_MODULE"
View the module file for a description and examples of usage for each function
Import-Module 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\RegAPIWrapper.psm1' *>$null #suppress warning
#create reg key 'HKLM\Software\TEST'
Create-RegKey -Hive HKLM -Subkey 'Software\TEST'
#add a value to the key
Set-RegKeyValue -Hive HKLM -Subkey 'Software\TEST' -ValueName 'TestKey' -ValueType DWord -ValueData 69
#delete the reg key
Delete-RegKey -Hive HKLM -Subkey 'Software\TEST'