
Project Hack2Save

Primary LanguageRuby


An APP about Volunteering

Our main goal is to build a place for Volunteering.

It'll be an webapp where institutions (nonprofit organizations) can add jobs and volunteers can subscribe to its jobs. Not only manage this subscriptions, we want to make a clear environment for both sides know better who wants to work and with which kind of company a people will work.

We are an open source project.


Our technilogies

  • Rails
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Mailcatcher
  • Postgresql

First setup for running

At first, you need to setup some configurations after clonning the repo to your local machine.

Create your own database.yml

On the repo we have a file database-sample.yml on config dir. It's an sample to create your own. Please, don't delete it.

Setup in your machine

As we use docker, we have a docker-compose.yml for it.

If you want to use, your first step must be create your database.yml with the following content

default: &default
 adapter: postgresql
 encoding: unicode
 pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
 host: postgres
 user: postgres

  <<: *default
  database: hack2save_development 

  <<: *default
  database: hack2save_test 

After creating this file, run the following commands:

1. docker-compose build
2. docker-compose run --rm website bundle install
3. docker-compose run --rm website bundle exec rails db:create
4. docker-compose run --rm website bundle exec rails db:migrate
5. docker-compose up