
Telegram bot for managing SSH users and their configurations on remote servers written in Rust and Teloxide.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram SSH User Management Bot

Project Description

This Rust-based Telegram bot is designed to manage SSH users on a server. It provides a set of commands for administrators to interact with user accounts, such as adding new users, changing passwords, and updating expiration dates.



Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/zolagonano/ssh-manager-bot.git
    cd ssh-manager-bot
  2. Build the project:

    cargo build --release


Create a configuration file named userbot.json with the following structure:

  "bot_token": "YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN",
  "server_address": "YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS",
  "ports": [22, 2222],
  "location": "Server Location",
  "admin_list": [123456789],
  "log_chat": -987654321,
  "prefix": "user_prefix_"
  • bot_token: Your Telegram bot token.
  • server_address: Your server's address.
  • ports: List of SSH ports.
  • location: Location information.
  • admin_list: List of Telegram user IDs with admin access.
  • log_chat: Chat ID for logging.
  • prefix: Prefix for user accounts.


  1. Run the compiled binary:

  2. Interact with the bot using Telegram commands.

Telegram Commands

  • /help: Display available commands.
  • /getexp <username>: Get user's expiry date.
  • /lock <username>: Lock user.
  • /unlock <username>: Unlock user.
  • /userdel <username>: Delete user.
  • /changemax <username> <group>: Change user's max logins.
  • /changepass <username> <password>: Change user's password.
  • /changeexp <username> <exp_date>: Change user's expiry date.
  • /renew <username> <days>: Renew user's expiry date.
  • /useradd <username> <group> <exp_date> <password>: Add new user manually.
  • /autoadd <group> <days>: Add new user automatically.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.