
Hasura Prometheus Exporter

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Hasura Prometheus Exporter

Prometheus exporter for metrics about your Hasura GraphQL Server.

Supported Hasura Versions

This exporter has been tested on hasura versions starting from v2.0.0


Your hasura graphql server needs to have the metadata and schema APIs enabled, the APIs are enabled by default unless have been enabled


For pre-built binaries please take a look at the releases


ENV Variable Description
DEBUG If set to true also debug information will be logged, otherwise only info
HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET Admin secret for hasura graphql server
HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT URL to hasura graphql server e.g https://graph.example.com
WEB_ADDR Address for this exporter to run, default: :9921


Name Type Help
hasura_metadata_consistency_status gauge metadata consistency status of your hasura graphql server, 1 means metadata is consistent, 0 not
hasura_pending_event_triggers gauge the number of pending event triggers labeld with trigger name
hasura_processed_event_triggers gauge the number of processed event triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_successful_event_triggers gauge the number of successfully processed event triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_failed_event_triggers gauge the number of failed event triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_pending_cron_triggers gauge the number of pending cron triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_processed_cron_triggers gauge the number of processed cron triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_successful_cron_triggers gauge the number of successfully processed event triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_failed_cron_triggers gauge the number of failed cron triggers labeled with trigger name
hasura_pending_one_off_events gauge the number of pending one off scheduled events
hasura_processed_one_off_events gauge the number of processed one off scheduled events
hasura_successful_one_off_events gauge the number of successfully processed on off scheduled events
hasura_failed_one_off_events gauge the number of failed one off scheduled events