Started with Z80/6502 and BBC Basic. Proficient in Java, JavaScript, Rust and Python, C++14 and on and on. Love a challenge!
Derbyshire, UK
zolbatar's Followers
- 6502NerdUK
- 911-carreraSan Diego, CA
- abuhabban
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- breakintoprogramUK
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- cumsoftcumsoft
- georgilas
- honeydataxhoneydatax@sapo.pt
- lineskylinesky@sapo.pt
- MrPrimateUK
- Nakshatra05Delhi, India
- NickStrupatToronto
- OfficialCodeVoyageDenver, CO
- painintheworldUnited States of America
- picosonic
- RobertLib@iquest
- watchmang