javaScript sand box


  • 24.03 - 📒


  • 06.04 - 📒


-01.05 - 📒

  • 09.05 - 🏢 📒 🏢


  • 24.04 - Object and functions

  • 25.04 - Object literals

  • 26.04 - Functions are objects

  • 13.04 - Comparison operators /wierd parts/

  • 14.04 - Object and function /wierd parts/

  • 15.04 - Framework Aside Faking Namespaces /wierd parts/

  • 16.04 - Functions and objects /wierd parts/ - Functions statements and function expressions /wierd parts/

  • 17.04 - by value and by reference /wierd parts/ - object, function and this - arrays

  • 18.04 - arguments and spread /wierd parts/ - syntax parser - semicolon insertion

  • 20.04 - MySql with Node - Connection to database - SQL commands

  • 21.04 - Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) /wierd parts/ - closures

  • 22.04 - function factory /wierd parts/ - closures and callbacks

  • 23.04 - Functional programming /wierd parts/


  • 28.05 - reStart


  • 12.06 - callBack function
  • 17.06 - theory
  • 19.06 - theory 👻
  • 20.06 - theory 📖
  • 21.06 - :party:


  • 08.07 - theory JSON
  • 11.07 - theory JSON
  • 19.07 - theory OOP
  • 25.07 - theory OOP
  • 26.07 - theory OOP
  • 27.07 - theory OOP


  • 02.08 - DOM event object
  • 07.08 - Promises
  • 19.08 - Refresh
  • 20.08 - refresh Ninja theory
  • 29.08 - function


  • 03.09 - object
  • 09.09 - DOM
  • 08.09 - DOM event
  • 10.09 - event
  • 14.09 - REGEX
  • 19.09 - quiz
  • 26.09 - todo


  • 12.10 - weather
  • 17.10 - weather
  • 22.10 - Object


  • 12.11 - firebase
  • 21.11 - cart
  • 22.11 - cart DOM
  • 26.11 - cart CSS


  • 01.12 - quiz