
Module for exercising boto within ansible playbooks, non-idempotently

Primary LanguagePython

Generic AWS module

Generic Ansible module for running arbitrary AWS commands using a command shape similar to the AWS CLI


Depends on botocore, which must be installed globally:

pip install botocore

Then to run the example playbook, using credentials stored locally:

ansible-playbook -i ansible-inventory.ini demo.yml

demo.yml contains a few basic examples.

demo-include.yml shows how the AWS building blocks can be combined into idempotent sequences of tasks.

Developer notes

  1. The module also depends on jmespath to implement queries against the returned data (equivalent to the AWS --query option). This is not called out separately because botocore includes a dependency on jmespath itself.

  2. Because the module uses boto, you can either provide AWS credentials via the aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and aws_session_token parameters -- or if you're running within AWS, it will grab credentials from the instance metadata service or environment variables if those parameters are not specified.