
A test project where I try to combine a few technologies and automation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


We all stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us.

A test project where I combine a few technologies and automation.

Github Actions

This project uses Github actions. Both scheduled and when this project updates (on push).

Auto updates (schedule)

The project runs Github actions and updates the files avanza_data.json and Skandia_data_filtered.json, every Monday to Friday at 18:00.


The web pages is to verify that the fetch has runned as scheduled.

Next thing

Figure out how to "store" history data, to improve the filtered information. A few solutions might be:

  • Store each weeks data to a separate json file.

  • Try to figure out how to get the relevant information from the json-data (the information is there) by analyzing the data.


# Init venv environment
python -m venv venv
# To activate the venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
# To deactivate the environment

For more information https://python.land/virtual-environments/virtualenv

Save pip packages

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Install pip packages from requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Check installed packages

pip list

For more information https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-requirementstxt-explained/


flowchart TD
    subgraph Fetch Data
    subgraph Fetch from External API
        Fetch[Fetch data]:::pink -->|Get request| API(Fund data API)
        API:::red --> |json response| Daily(Daily):::green
        API --> |json response| Weekly(Weekly):::green

        subgraph History ["`**Save history**`"]
            Fetch --> Github(Github History data):::blue
            Daily --> |Merge new with history| Github
            Weekly --> |Merge new with history| Github
            Github --> HistoryJSON(History json-file):::blue
            HistoryJSON{{Store Max 7 days old data}}

        subgraph Current
            Aggregate[Aggregate data]
            Daily --> |Save as current| Aggregate:::green
            Weekly --> |Save as current| Aggregate:::green
            Aggregate --> Current_JSON(Aggregated fund json-file):::green

classDef red stroke:#f00
classDef green stroke:#0f0
classDef blue stroke:#00f
classDef pink stroke:#f9f,stroke-width:4px