
A Real Estate App, experiment in Laravel MVC framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Estate App


This application built in Laravel 4.0 MVC framework.

Create a clone or copy in your localhost.

Install composer. (More details here: link)

In your local console step in real-estate-app directory. And run composer install and composer update

composer install
composer update

Setup your MySQL server. You have to have a database, called: 'real_estate_app'. MySQL script in root folder.

CREATE DATABASE real_estate_app;

Setup database access in 'app/config/database.php'. Default username and password is root.

'mysql' => array(
    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => isset($_SERVER['DB1_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['DB1_HOST'] : 'localhost',
    'database'  => isset($_SERVER['DB1_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['DB1_NAME'] : 'real_estate_app',
    'username'  => isset($_SERVER['DB1_USER']) ? $_SERVER['DB1_USER'] : 'root',
    'password'  => isset($_SERVER['DB1_PASS']) ? $_SERVER['DB1_PASS'] : 'root',
    'charset'   => 'utf8',
    'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
    'prefix'    => '',

Run Laravel migration command. This command create your database.

php artisan migrate

Run Laravel seed file command. Upload default values in database.

php artisan db:seed

Run the application

php artisan serve

Open the application in browser


For assess management need nodejs, bower and grunt. CoffeeScript and SASS built, but if you want to update need grunt in your local machine.


  1. Property listing website.
    • front end
    • admin back end.
    • PHP and MySQL
  2. Index page:
    • Filter search form.
    • List of properties.
    • Filters: county, price, house type
  3. Admin page
    • protected with login
    • add/update/delete properties
    • add photograph to property
    • boolean sold or not
  4. Database
    • House types: detached, semi-detached, terraced
    • Min. 3 address lines and county (Dublin suburbs and postal codes are not required.)
    • Listing creation date and updated date should be stored and displayed.
    • No requirement to manage admin users. adminuser table: username: ‘admin’, password: ‘letmein’
  5. UI
    • bootstrap
    • templating engine
  6. Documents:
    • compressed zip file
    • instructions
    • sql setup

Database Model

            ---------------     ----------------    -----------------
            ¦ HOUSE_TYPES ¦ --> ¦  PROPERTIES  ¦ <--¦  SALES_TYPES  ¦
            ---------------     ----------------    -----------------
                                ¦    CITIES    ¦
                                ¦    COUNTIES  ¦


    belongs_to -> city
    belongs_to -> sales_type

    id                  :integer
    title               :string
    details             :text
    price               :integer
    sales_type_id       :integer
    city_id             :integer
    address_1           :string
    address_2           :string
    address_3           :string
    number_of_beds      :integer
    number_of_baths     :integer
    pet_allowed         :boolean
    dishwasher          :boolean
    furnished           :boolean
    created_at          :datetime
    updated_at          :datetime


    has_many    -> cities

    id                  :integer
    name                :string


    belongs_to  -> county
    has_many    -> properties

    id                  :integer
    name                :string
    county_id:          :integer

    (detached, semi-detached, terraced)

    has_many    -> properties

    id:                 :integer
    name                :string

    (sale, rent, share)

    has_many    -> properties

    id                  :integer
    name:               :string

    id                  :integer
    username            :string
    password            :string
    admin               :boolean


composer update
bower update

Database management commands

php artisan migrate:reset
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

Run development environment

php artisan serve

Deploy on heroku


Add database configuration in /app/config/heroku/database.php Information from heroku postgres database settings...

// database.php
return array(
    'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_CLASS,
    'default' => 'pgsql',
    'connections' => array(
        'pgsql' => array(
            'driver'   => 'pgsql',
            'host'     => '',
            'port'     => '5432'
            'database' => '',
            'username' => '',
            'password' => '',
            'charset'  => 'utf8',
            'prefix'   => '',
            'schema'   => 'public',
    'migrations' => 'migrations',