
Frontend Workshop from HTML/CSS/JS to TypeScript/React/Redux

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Frontend Bootcamp / Days in the Web

🚨🚨 This project is still a WIP. Issues and PRs are welcome for typos or inaccuracies. 🚨🚨

Purpose of this workshop

This repo is the content for a two-day workshop focused on introducing you to the fundamentals of web development. By the end of these two days you will have a better understanding of how we write and deliver features on the web. You will also get some hands-on experience using everything from HTML, CSS and JavaScript to React, Redux and UI Fabric as we build a working application together.

Who this workshop is for

This workshop starts as a very high level introduction to the core principles of the web: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This section is targeted at new and experienced developers alike. The second day dives into more complex topics such as TypeScript and state management within an application. The examples should be accessible to anyone, but you will get more out of the day if you have some foundational experience in programming or web technologies.

Web Workshop Setup

Computer Setup

Demo/Exercise Setup

  $ git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/frontend-bootcamp.git
  $ cd frontend-bootcamp
  $ npm install

  # For Day 1, Steps 1-3
  $ npm run static
  # For the rest of the steps
  $ npm start

Table of Contents

Day One

  1. Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  2. Writing a Todo App: HTML and CSS
  3. Writing a Todo App: JavaScript
  4. React Introduction
  5. Building a Static Page
  6. State Driven UI
  7. Types & UI Driven State

Day Two

Demo and Exercises are combined

  1. Introduction to TypeScript
  2. UI Fabric Component Library
  3. Theming and Styling
  4. Testing with Jest
  5. Redux: Reducers
  6. Redux: Dispatching Actions and Examining State
  7. Redux: Stores and Dispatch
  8. Redux: Combining Reducers
  9. Redux: Thunk Middleware

Additional Resources

Follow the Authors!

If you are interested in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, or Design Systems, follow us on Twitter:

Other projects from the UI Fabric team @ MS


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