
Welcome and Thanks for dropping by!

This are my personal configurations of AwesomeWM.

I use OneDark colorscheme for everything.

When it comes to functionality and customization awesome comes really close to full-fledge desktop environment. Awesome can do everything I need from desktop with minimum dependencies and system resources.

Apart from awesome window manager I use following programs.

Terminal st, kitty
Shell mksh, dash
Editor neovim


  • Install Dependencies

    yay -Sy awesome-git pulseaudio pamixer mpc mpd ncmpcpp playerctl xorg-xbacklight \
    xdotool --needed
  • Clone this repository

    Move your old configurations to separate location and copy configs to your ~/.config

    git clone
    cd awesome
    [ -d "$HOME/.config/awesome" ] && mv $HOME/.config/awesome $HOME/.config/Bkpawesome
    [ -d "$HOME/.config/ncmpcpp" ] && mv $HOME/.config/ncmpcpp $HOME/.config/Bkpncmpcpp
    cd config
    cp -r awesome $HOME/.config/
    cp -r ncmpcpp $HOME/.config/
  • Install all fonts from fonts folder

    cd ..
    cp -r fonts $HOME/.local/share/fonts
    fc-cache -fv
  • Lastly

    Check out rc.lua file it contains documentation of awesome my config files. And go to config folder inside awesome and select your system specific programs.

    I've added xresources file if you want to change terminal colors to match with the rest of the setup you can use that (Optional)

Credits to

elenapan's dotfiles for some part of configurations