
Framework for GO | GOLANG

Primary LanguageGo


Build Status GoDoc Join the chat at https://gitter.im/zombcode/cardamomo


Import the next package in your project:

import (

while executing this in a terminal:

$ go get "github.com/zombcode/cardamomo"

Or if you prefer, you can clone the repository with:

$ git clone https://github.com/zombcode/cardamomo.git

First steps



In order to instanciate the cardamomo framework in your project, you must write:

c := cardamomo.Instance("8000") // 8000 is the port

At this moment your cardamomo are instanciated. When you are ready, you can do:


to run the cardamomo http server.


In order to generate GET patterns you can do:

c.Get("/", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
    res.Send("Hello world!");

As you can see, the variable res in the callback function is used to send data to the client.


In order to generate POST patterns you can do:

c.Post("/post", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
    res.Send("Hello /post!");

As you can see, the variable res in callback function is used to send data to the client.


The base is used to GROUP various routes below the same base path.

c.Base("/base", func(router *cardamomo.Router) {
    router.Get("/route", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
        res.Send("Hello route base/route!");

If you want to send parameters you can do it with:

c.Post("/post", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
    foo := req.GetParam("foo", "default value") // This should be return your param
    res.Send("Hello /post!");

This example use the POST method but you can use GET is the same way.

Otherwise, you can send parameters inside the URL with:

c.Get("/routeget2/:param1/and/:param2", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  res.Send("Hello route get 1 with param1 = " + req.GetParam("param1", "default value") + " and param2 = " + req.GetParam("param2", "default value") + "!");

In this example you can use the :param1 and :param2 as variables. In order to test this use:


In the response you can see:

Hello route get 2 with param1 = theparameter1 and param2 = theparameter2!

If you use JSON for sending parameters to the server, you can use

req.GetParamJSON("username", cardamomo.JSONC{}).(string)

for example for obtain a parameter "username" that is a "string" with a default empty JSON.


You can use REGEX into routes, for that you need to insert the regex between "{{theregex}}", for example:

c.Get("/routeget3/{{a([a-zA-Z0-9]+)b$}}", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  res.Send("Hello! This route uses REGEX! Only URL that use parameters between 'a' and 'b'");

With this lines, you can catch all request with the pattern "/routeget3/" followed with characters between 0-9, a-z, A-Z enclosed with "a" and "b" characters.

JSON Responses

If you need JSON formatted responses for your REST API, you can do it like this:

type Box struct {
  Size BoxSize
  Color  string
  Open   bool

type BoxSize struct {
  Width  int
  Height int


c.Get("/routejson", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  boxsize := BoxSize {
    Width:  10,
    Height: 20,

  box := Box {
    Size: boxsize,
    Color:  "blue",
    Open:   false,


or if you prefer, you can use the object "JSONC" stored in the cardamomo package.

  "foo": "bar",
  "bar": "foo",

If you need cookies, you can do this in order to add a new cookie:

c.Get("/setcookie/:key/:value", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  key := req.GetParam("key", "")
  value := req.GetParam("value", "")

  expire := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1) // Expires in one day!
  req.SetCookie(key, value, "/", "localhost", expire, 86400, false, false) // key, value, path, domain, expiration, max-age, httponly, secure

  res.Send("Added cookie \"" + key + "\"=\"" + value + "\"");

and if you need to get a cookie:

c.Get("/getcookie/:key", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  key := req.GetParam("key", "")

  cookie := req.GetCookie(key, "empty cookie!"); // key, defaultValue

  res.Send("The value for cookie \"" + key + "\" is \"" + cookie + "\"");

Finally, if you need to delete a cookie you can do this:

c.Get("/deletecookie/:key", func(req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  key := req.GetParam("key", "")

  req.DeleteCookie(key, "/", "localhost"); // key, path, domain

  res.Send("Deleted cookie \"" + key + "\"");


In order to start a socket, you need to instanciate an HTTP server in the first place.

c := cardamomo.Instance("8000")

After that you can now create the WebSocket server with:

socket := c.OpenSocket()

and use the socket variable or whatever you want to control your new socket.

Socket base

The base works the same way as the HTTP base:

socket.OnSocketBase("/base1", func(client *cardamomo.SocketClient) {
  // Write your code here!

This event is called whenever a new client is connected using the path "base1":

Socket base actions
socket.OnSocketBase("/base1", func(client *cardamomo.SocketClient) {
  client.OnSocketAction("action1", func(sparams map[string]interface{}) {
    // Write your code here!

The actions is called when the client sends a message using the required JSON format:

  • Action: A string containing the action name
  • Params: A JSON containing the params that will be sent to the action
Socket send

This action is used with the client variable to send data to the client websocket. For example, you can send a message like this:

type MessageParam struct {
  param1 string
  param2 string

socket.OnSocketBase("/base1", func(client *cardamomo.SocketClient) {
  client.OnSocketAction("action1", func(sparams map[string]interface{}) {
    params := MessageParam{param1: "The param 1", param2: "The param 2"}
    client.Send("action1", params)

If you need to send a broadcast to all the clients, clients attached to a concrete base or a concrete client, you can do this:

To broadcast:


socket.Send("theaction", theparams)


To a concrete base:


socket.SendBase("/thebase", "theaction", theparams)


To a concrete client:


socket.SendClient("theclientID","theaction", theparams)

Socket cluster

If you need scalability in your system and you use sockets, THIS IS YOUR DAY! You can use the cluster configuration to share sockets between servers. In order to do that, you can do this:

socket := c.OpenSocket()
socket.Cluster(cardamomo.SocketClusterParams{ // You can use this lines for cluster testing
  Hosts: []cardamomo.SocketClusterHost{ // Write a list of ALL servers included in the cluster
      Host: "", // Use the server 1 IP
      Port: "8000", // Use the server 1 PORT
      Master: true, // Only ONE server can be MASTER
      Host: "", // Use the server 2 IP
      Port: "8001", // Use the server 2 PORT
      Master: false, // Only ONE server can be MASTER
  Password: "examplepass",
socket.SendClient("as12df34gh56", "testing", cardamomo.JSONC{"foo":"bar"}); // This is for testing the communication between sockets, you can use a real client ID for that

In this example you can connect to SERVER 1 and use SendClient with SERVER 2 user id to send info between servers.

Go to cardamomo-examples for more info about sockets.

Error handler

You can debug errors with the error handler using:

c.SetErrorHandler(func (code string, req cardamomo.Request, res cardamomo.Response) {
  fmt.Printf("\nError: %s\n", code)

  if( code == "404" ) {
    res.Send("Error 404!");

For example, you can use this to send 404 errors.

Scripts layer

The scripts layer is for timer tasks use. You can add timer tasks for executing at scheduled time with...

scripts := cardamomo.NewScripts() // You need this line in order to initialize scripts objects

scripts.AddScript(func() {
  fmt.Printf("\n10 seconds! \n");
}, 10)

if you need to execute task at concrete time, you can use...

scriptDatetime, err := time.Parse("3 04 00 PM", "9 46 00 PM") // This execute task at 9:46 every days
fmt.Printf("\n\nTime: %s\n\n", scriptDatetime);

if err == nil {
  scripts.AddScriptAtTime(func() {
    fmt.Printf("\nConcrete time! \n");
  }, scriptDatetime)
In future

At this moment the framework is very simple. In the future we want to implement:

  • Layout manager
  • File upload (single and multiple)
  • Script tasks with date precision


You can see more examples on cardamomo-examples

New documentation

  • Redirect HTTP
  • Render and SendFile


Beta - 1.0.0