
Primary LanguageShell

library of functions

+ log [argument]

# + argument is any string or number you want to output

+ substr start end str

# + get the position of a word in a string
# + start is where to start searching from 
# + end is where to stop the search
# + str is the string to work on
# + str can either be a string or an integer
# + if an error occured substr_usage will be called
# + on error return status 1
# + usage: substr 1 2 "bash" >>>> as

+ inArray value array

# + check if a value is in an array
# + where value is the string or number to find in array
# + array will be checked if value is in it
# + on error return value is 1
# + if match is not found the return status 2
# + array=( csh zsh tcsh bash dash ksh )
# + usage: inArray "bash"  "${array[@]}" >>>> "bash"

+ len value

# + get the length of a value
# + where value is the string, number or array to get it's length
# + usage: len "bash" >>>> "4"
# + lenOfArray array
# + get the length of an array

#++++ bitwise operators +++++ and [numOne] [numTwo] or [numOne] [numTwo] xor [numOne] [numTwo] # + where array is the array to get it's length # + usage: len "bash" >>>> "4"

+ rev_chars revChars

# + reverse revChars
# + where revChars is either an array, string or number
# + usage: rev_chars "bash" >>>> "hsab"
# + indexOf indexOfValue str
# + find the location of indexOfValue(string) in str
# + where indexOfValue is the string to get its location
# + str is the string to search for indexOfValue
# + usage: indexOf 2 "bash" >>>> "a"

+ setProxy protocol host port username password

# + where protocol is any valid protocol in /etc/services
# + host is any valid host
# + port is any integer from 0 to infinity
# + username and password is the login information of the proxy
# + username and password is optional
# + on error return status is 1
# + usage: setProxy http 8080 user pass

+ setColor setColorType color

# + where setColorType can either be fg for foreground or bg for background
# + usage: setColorType fg red
# + setColorType fg reset ... resets the color of a text back to default

+ toUpperCase toUpper

# + where toUpper is any string to convert to uppercase
# + on error return status is 1
# + if value to convert to uppercase is an integer or an uppercase value, return status is 2
# + usage: toUpperCase "bash" >> "BASH"

+ toLowerCase toLower

# + where toLower is any string to convert to lowercase
# + on error return status is 1
# + if value to convert to lowercase is an integer or a lowercase value, return status is 2
# + usage: toLowerCase "BASH" >> "bash"

+ split string separator

# + split a string into an array
# + the array returned will be newArray
# + on error return status is 1
# + usage:- split bash?ksh?zsh?dash ? >>> returns an array of 3 elements bash[0] ksh[1] zsh[2] dash[3]

+ match strToMatch regexpToMatchStrWith

+ where strTomatch is a string to make the match on

+ regexpToMachStrWith is the regexp to search for in strTomatch

+ usage: - match "abcd1234" "([:alpha:])"

+ sqrt numToGetSqrt

+ where numToGetsqrt is an integer

+ usage: sqrt 5 >>> 2.23607

+ reverse array

+ where array is an array to reverse

+ array=( "bash" "zsh" "ksh")

+ usage: - reverse ${array[@]} >> "ksh" "zsh" "bash"