
Software engineering final project - tile game

Primary LanguageJava

Group: Nastes

To Run Player Application

	Run PlayerMain.java in main package
	In the level selector menu, only "level 1" is unlocked at the start. 
	In order to unlock more levels you need to score 1 star or more on the previous level. 
To Run Builder Application

	Run BuilderMain.java in main package.
	Click on the piece in Scrollpane to add it to the bullpen(Piece that have a dark color are on the bullpen)
	When pressed to drag the piece from the bullpen, the piece will be considered removed from the bullpen. You won't be able to add it back.
	(if you need the piece back in the bullpen you can create a identical piece from the scrollpane.) 
	When you select a piece it will become red
	Pieces that you have moved but are not currently moving are yellow. Remember these are not in the bullpen. 
To rotate a piece, use 'e' or 'r' key
To flip a piece, use 'q' or 'w' key