
Pyrogram bot to automate streaming music in voice chats

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pyrogram bot to automate streaming music in voice chats


If you face an error, want to discuss this project or get support for it join @su_Chats.


Enormous and huge credits to @itayki from Israel for being with me while waiting for Mr. @TwitFace, AKA Andrew Lungers to release pytgcalls to write this bot.


From Mr. @TwitFace, AKA Andrew Lungers.


  • A computer running a Linux distribution with a desktop environment (if you are on VPS and don't have one, refer to this),
  • the latest version of Telegram desktop,
  • pulseaudio (installation on Ubuntu: apt install pulseaudio),
  • mplayer (installation on Ubuntu: apt install mplayer),
  • python3 (installation on Ubuntu: apt install python3) and
  • python3-pip (installation on Ubuntu: apt install python3-pip) installed on it.


  1. Make sure you are not running any command as root, to avoid bulky errors.
  2. Clone the repository and change the dir:
    git clone https://github.com/suprojects/VoiceChatPyroBot.git tgvcbot && cd tgvcbot
  1. Copy sample_config.py to config.py and make it use your credentials:

    API_ID int: your api id from my.telegram.org

    API_HASH str: your api hash from my.telegram.org

    TOKEN str: your bot token from @BotFather

    SUDO_USERS list(int): a list of user ids which can pause, skip and change volume

    LOG_GROUP int: (optional) a group chat id to send "now playing" messages to in a non-spammy way

    LANG str: your bot language, choose an available language code in strings/

    DUR_LIMIT int: max video duration in minutes for downloads

  2. Install the required Python packages:

    pip(3) install -U -r requirements.txt
  1. Make sure pulseaudio is running and load a null sink named MySink by running:
    bash pa.sh
  1. Run the bot:
    python(3) bot.py
  1. Open Telegram desktop, join a voice chat and set MySink.monitor as your microphone, if you can't see MySink.monitor:
    1. Open pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol).
    2. The configurations tab.
    3. Turn the configs/profiles you see off.
  2. Once you've done the steps above, you can start using and sending commands to your bot to stream in the voice chat you are currently in with Telegram desktop!