
a XMonad.Layout.Choose replacement (or companion)

Primary LanguageHaskell

a XMonad.Layout.Choose replacement (or companion)

usage sample:
add import somwhere in the begining of your xmonad.hs:
    import XMonad.Layout.HyperChoose

modify your layoutHook:
    layoutHints $ smartBorders $ Full ||| Mirror tiled <|||> Grid ||| Circle <|||> Roledex

add key binding:
    ((modMask              , xK_b     ), sendMessage NextLayout')

now you can switch between 3 different groups of layouts (`Full ||| Mirror tiled`, `Grid ||| Circle`, and `Roledex`)
you can also use hyperChoose function instead of `<|||>`

Other Messages
`FirstLayout'` - jumps to the first layout
`JumpToLayout "Layout Label"` - jumps to the first layout with such label

You can label any layout or composition of layouts, for example:
For example:
    myLayout = layoutHints $ smartBorders $
        Full ||| Mirror tiled ~~ "Full & Tiled"
        <|||> Grid ||| Circle ~~ "Grid & Circle"
        <|||> Roledex ~~ "Roledex"