F5-OpenStack-LBaaSv2 Plugin System Test

This is a project holding f5-openstack-lbaasv2 plugin's system test: environment info/processes/scripts.

Code Directory Layouts:

  • conf.d/:

    • kps/: Certificate, keys or ssh keypairs for tls testing.
    • patches/: Some cusmization codes to neutron/neutron_lbaas framework. The code changes are organized in another repository: https://github.com/zongzw/neutron_lbaas_pike-devops-bed.
    • templates/: Templates for lbaasv2 configurations, generally we have i.e. 2 providers configured during setting up neutron_lbaas/f5-openstack-agent services, named 'CORE' and 'DMZ'(optional).
    • group_and_hosts-*: Environment information. Find more details about the specific environment from each file, we call it environment_file.
    • vars-*: Versions and testcases information, we call it variable_file.
  • logs/: In the system test processes, we will call ansible scripts within ansible scripts(See: ./playbooks/run-testcases-in-parallel.yml "run test_cases in parallel."), so we need to output all test cases' details to log files.

    One log folder for one time run. Each of them is named as '<time_string>--<environment_file>--<variable_file>'.

  • playbooks/: The most inmport folder placing all test scripts/tasks.

    They can be separated into two sets:

    Files starting with 'task-': They are a bundle of tasks which can be reused, usually as a standard procedure, can be import_tasks elsewhere.

    Files without 'task-' prefix: They are standalone scripts callable via ansible-playbook command line. See Session 'Test Commands' part.

  • scripts/: They are kinds of shell/python/sql scripts called in playbook yamls, aiming for a easier way to handle test works rather than ansible scripts. In a long perspective, some of them need to be rewriten in ansible way for consistence.

    Not all the scripts are in use.

  • testcases/: All test cases. Each subfolder contains a file named test.yml. Beside this file, the test execution is self-organized within the folder.

Test Commands and Examples

Running the tests via the following command line template:

$ ansible-playbook \
    -i conf.d/<environment_file> \
    -e @conf.d/<variable_file> \
    playbooks/<playbook_name> \
    [some extra arguments]
  • playbook_name is the Files witout 'task-' prefix mentioned above.

  • [some extra arguments]: currently, we have three situations:

    • -t <tag>: Run only a subset of tasks defined in ansible scripts tagged with tags:. Find details from test case implementation under testcases/.
    • -e nogit=yes: Don't git clone from https://github.com/zongzw/neutron_lbaas_pike-devops-bed when running setup-neutron-lbaas.yml. This aims to eliminate the github access issues.
    • -e nodelete=yes: Don't delete resources after tests. By default, deletion is the part of a test.

The playbook_names can be grouped as following examples:

1. Developing/Debugging

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/ansible-tests.yml

    This script is used for test/debug/verify some yaml code piece. Comment old codes and paste your code pieces here and run it for validation.

2. Clean up Resources

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/clean-bigip-partitions.yml

    This script is used to clean up all bigip configurations under partitions except 'Common'(Removing partitions themself as well).

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/clean-neutron-resources.yml

    This script is used to remove all resources from neutron side.

3. Setup Environment

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/ensure-local-env.yml

    This script is used to setup localhost such as ssh keys, yum installations and so on, since we need passwordless access to hosts defined in conf.d/group_and_hosts-*.

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/prepare-keypairs.yml

    This script is used to create necessary key pairs under conf.d/kps for later tests.

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/setup-barbican.yml

    This script is used to setup barbican component for non-osp type environments. osp type environments are set up by RedHat and KDDI. They are container-based environments, comparing to rdo type environments which are set up via packstack.

    Currently, in conf.d/group_and_hosts-*, lab and kddi are osp environments, see [neutron_servers:vars] test_env = osp in conf.d/group_and_hosts-*.

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/setup-neutron-lbaas.yml

    This script is used to setup/refresh neutron/neutron_lbaas installation/configuration, with f5-* installation/configuration included.

    This is an important script, will be used frequently for deploying new versions of plugins or switching versions.

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/setup-clients.yml

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/setup-servers.yml

    These scripts are used to setup test clients and test servers(defined as [clients] and [servers] in conf.d/group_and_hosts-*).

    Furthermore, take a look at the clients and backend_servers fix layout! session in conf.d/group_and_hosts-* when you need to add new environment.

      # ============ clients and backend_servers fix layout! ============
      #                      clients
      #                         |
      #                         +-- clients_ipv4
      #                         |
      #                         \-- clients_ipv6
      #                       backend_servers
      #                         |
      #                         +-- backend_servers_ipv4
      #                         |       |
      #                         |       +-- pool1
      #                         |       |
      #                         |       \-- pool2
      #                         |
      #                         \-- backend_servers_ipv6
      # =================================================================

4. Running Tests

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/run-testcases-in-parallel.yml

  • $ ansible-playbook -i conf.d/group_and_hosts-dev -e @conf.d/vars-zte-private.yml playbooks/run-testcases.yml

    These script are used to run tests in parallel/serial mode. 'parallel' mode is much faster than 'serial' mode since all tests are run cocurrently.

    Some tests may fail because of variable reasons. We need to trace the failures case by case:

    • Because of environment setup issues:

      • f5-openstack-agent is not setup correctly.
      • dependable environment is not available: network change, no compute space.. etc.
    • Because of code bugs:

      • code problems to be found in new release/version.
      • neutron_lbaas code customization code should be applied.
    • Because of ansible system test script:

      • system test scripts should be upgraded/fixed to compat code changes.
    • Because of any other ...

5. Setup Docker Environment

  • sh ./systest-docker/compose.sh This script is used to build a ansible based docker image and start a docker container.
  • docker exec -it f5-oslbaasv2-systest-con /bin/bash This script is used to enter the docker container after creating docker image and container.