ulauncher Extension that provides quick access to common GitHub functionality like your repositories or gists.
- Search public repos
- Search uers
- Quick access to your profile pages, Issues, Pull Requests etc
- List your repos, organizations and gists.
- ulauncher 5
- Python > 3
- PyGithub Extension (install with
pip3 install pygithub
Open ulauncher preferences window -> extensions -> add extension and paste the following url:
- Before usage you need to configure your Github "access_token" in plugin preferences. You can get one here.
Besides the main "gh" keyword, which triggers the main extension workflow, this extension have some other keywords that allows you access some of most used actions quickly.
- gists - Access to your Gists
- ghrepos -> Access to your Repos
- ghsearch -> Do a repository search
- Repositories, Stars and Gists are cached for 1 day. You can clear your cache, restarting ulauncher or selecting "Refresh cache" from the extension main menu.
git clone https://github.com/brpaz/ulauncher-github
make link
The make link
will create a symbolic link to the ulauncher extensions folder.
Next, stop Ulauncher if running and run the following command:
make dev
This will start Ulauncher from the command line with all extensions disabled. In the output you will see something like this:
VERBOSE=1 ULAUNCHER_WS_API=ws:// PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages /usr/bin/python3 /home/bruno/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github/main.py
Run this, command in another terminal window, to laucnh the GitHub Extension.
- Cache user repositories, gists and organizations in background for faster results.
ALl contributions are welcome.
Copywright @ 2019 Bruno Paz
This project is MIT Licensed.