
Decorator generator based on Java ASM bytecode manipulation framework

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


jasmdecor is a decorator generator based on Java ASM bytecode manipulation framework.

It takes compiled classes as input and produces compiled decorator classes as output.


Plain decorator

public interface Iface {

    void aMethod();
new DecoratorGenerator(Iface.class, "PlainDecorator").writeDecoratorClass(outputFile);

Generates the following class:

public class PlainDecorator implements Iface {

    private final Iface wrapped;

    public PlainDecorator(Iface wrapped) {
        this.wrapped = wrapped;

    public void aMethod() {

Template based decorator

Starting from a template class:

public class DecoratorFromTemplate {

    private final Iface wrapped;

    public DecoratorFromTemplate(Iface wrapped) {
        this.wrapped = wrapped;

    public void newMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a new method!");

Please note: it is not necessary for the template implementing the interface, but it is mandatory setting the wrapped field and name it wrapped. The template can introduce new methods or override methods of the wrapped instance class. The template can also be abstract if you need to add the implements part on the class definition without implementing all the methods.

new DecoratorGenerator(Iface.class, DecoratorFromTemplate.class).writeDecoratorClass(outputFile);

Generates the following class:

public class DecoratorFromTemplate implements Iface {

    private final Iface wrapped;

    public DecoratorFromTemplate(Iface wrapped) {
        this.wrapped = wrapped;

    public void aMethod() {

    public void newMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a new method!");


This project contains also a command line interface.

java -jar jasmdecor.jar <class-to-decorate> <decorator-name-or-template> <output-file>

Example for a plain decorator without additional classes:

java -jar jasmdecor.jar java.sql.PreparedStatement PSDecor PSDecor.class

Example for a decorator from template using additional classes (you have to add them to the classpath):

java -cp ".:jasmdecor.jar" net.zonia3000.jasmdecor.CLI Iface DecoratorFromTemplate DecoratorFromTemplate.class

(on Windows replace : with ;)

Additional notes

  • Decorators can also be generated from non-final classes
  • Final, native and static methods will be skipped
  • Class inheritance is considered, so delegated methods of all the class hierarchy will be built (including decorable Object methods).