
RADIO Mesh Network

Primary LanguagePerl


   _  _   __________             __                               __   
__| || |__\____    /____   ____ |  | __ ____ ___.__. ____   _____/  |_ 
\   __   /  /     //  _ \ /    \|  |/ // __ <   |  |/    \_/ __ \   __\
 |  ||  |  /     /(  <_> )   |  \    <\  ___/\___  |   |  \  ___/|  |  
/_  ~~  _\/_______ \____/|___|  /__|_ \\___  > ____|___|  /\___  >__|  
  |_||_|          \/          \/     \/    \/\/         \/     \/      
                                                             ver. 1.0

Communicate easily without Internet or Mobile phone.

Free digital Radiocommunications network service for everyone at low cost

ZonkeyNet Can do its job even in case of media infrastructures failure, e.g. in case of earthquake or flood: ZonkeyNet does not use Radio bridges or Internet Provider infrastructures, so it will work even in the event of natural disaster or war. ZonkeyNet uses cheap, simple and portable infrastructures which everyone can build. The system allready uses a simple Raspberry PI 3 as hardware and works with Solar Power! The system can be built with limited spending and can provide its services in a wide range.

In other words thanks to ZonkeyNet you can create and manage a long distance wifi communication service for a whole town with a very limited expense. The amplitude of the range of the system can be increased with just a small spending.

The coverage of a repeater station depends on your radio equipment: a stronger signal is capable of withstanding successive passages through obstacles, allowing it to travel farther.

Nevertheless local conformation of the territory and weather conditions may influence the transmission. For more informations about this aspect follow this link.

What is ZonkeyNet?

ZonkeyNet (based on Airchat coded by LulzSec) is a Free Speech digital communications protocol that doesn’t deal with expensive, highly-surveilled commercial and government controlled infrastructure. Create a mesh network between other ZonkeyNet users running the same software. Each node in this mesh network is defined by it’s ability to decrypt messages. There’s no hardware ID, and no plain text transmitter identification.

ZonkeyNet Mesh Network Radio project uses Fldigi software to communicate data it’s the software commonly used to broadcast amateur radio stations from a computer. The current release focuses on messaging and can be used as a simplistic message board inside a LAN and to rely communications between radio nodes. It has built-in internet gateway capabilities to offer users access to some basics, such as chat on IRC, SMS bridge service, Google directions, bridge messages on Telegram, Tweeting, retrieving Twitter streams, Downloading news, community related articles, transfering images, etc..

The configuration system is fully documented in ZonkeyNet. Refer to this for the full documentation.


Some useful commands in ZonkeyNet:

:local (Send local Messages LAN only)

:twitter (Streaming tweet from @ZonkeyNet account)

:tweet (Send Tweet with ZonkeyNet)

:searchtwitter= (Search term or hashtag on Twitter)

:sup? (Streaming Feeds RSS)

:news? (Streaming News from list of links)

!google (Search on Google)

!gdir (Google Maps Directions)

!weather (Info Meteo)

!alpha (Wolfram Alpha engine)

!sms (Send FREE SMS Worldwide)

!twitter (Search term or hashtag on Twitter)

!youtube (Search video or artists on Youtube)

!wiki (Search on Wikipedia)

!np (LastFM plugin)

!send (Send a Note to a IRC user)

!equake (Earthquake RSS Info )

and much more!!!

#Notes ZonkeyNet runs by default on port 8080, connect your browser to http://localhost:8080 (Internet access can be anonymized via Tor and the built in proxy support).


  • People who were protesting against their govt resulting in the their internet being cut off. Even worse govt decided to fuck with their cellphones networks too. They need basic communication tools to spread news and updates about their conditions, and with the aim to eventually relay that information to/from the internet when at least one of them is able to get a working internet connection.

  • NGOs and medical teams working in Africa under poor conditions who want to build some basic communication's infrastructure to coordinate efforts like the delivery of medication and food or to update on local conditions without being intercepted by regional armed groups etc.

  • Dissident groups who mistrust the normal communication infrastructure and who want to coordinate regional activity and share updates about oppressive actions carried out by the authorities.

  • Disaster response, rescue and medical teams who are working in devastated zones without the availability of standard telecommunication infrastructure. They want to keep updating their statuses, progress and resource availability between teams when there may be large overage zones between them.

  • Yacht owners who are sailing and who wish to obtain news updates from some approaching coastline or another ship which has internet access. There may just be a simple exchange of information about news, weather conditions, provisions, gear etc.

  • Local populations who want to keep in touch with each other on a daily basis with the goal of developing a strong community capable of maximizing their resources, food or manpower to help improve sustainability and their quality of life.

  • Street protests or any other street event where people would like to share their thoughts, anonymously and locally without relying on the internet. They may also wish to share them with the world as a single voice using a simple gateway such as a unique Twitter account made for the occasion.

  • Expedition basecamps who need a simplistic solution to build a common gateway for establishing radio communication and messaging service links with camps, remotely located basecamps and/or rescue teams to coordinate tasks such as logistics, rescue efforts, routes and schedules.

Installation :

    You will need : python; python3; perl; cpanplus; pip; GUI (for FLDIGI); Radio equipment.

    ####Linux (Debian / Ubuntu) Install some needed stuff:

  • apt-get install make cpanplus libcpanplus-perl libhttp-server-simple-perl libcrypt-cbc-perl libcrypt-rijndael-perl librpc-xml-perl libxml-feedpp-perl liblwp-protocol-socks-perl libnet-twitter-lite-perl libnet-server-perl

  • perl install-modules-airchat-debian.pl (ZonkeyNet WebServer)

  • perl zonkey.pl ( WebServer start at localhost:8080 You can use ngrok to foward outside )

  • pip install irc ( for the bot RX_BOT )

  • edit the python bots es. nano rxbot.py

  • python rxbot.py

  • python3 txbot.py

  • Connect the Radio!


RASPBERRY PI 3 Full Image link: SOON! 32GB

RASPBERRY PI 3 light Image link: SOON! 16GB

Android Devices 6.0.1 MM Image link: SOON!

The binary is called zonkey.pl. ZonkeyNet and Fldigi can be started/stopped with commands "zonkeynet (start:stop:restart)" typed in a terminal shell. You can also run the script by double clicking on its Desktop icon.