
various image preload test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Generate preloadable assets for a balena application


This PoC is part of a bigger .etch effort.

The puropose of these script is to produce the minimal files to inject in a clean balena os image to preload a complete application. In other terms, we need to get the same files balena-engine would produce when pulling images for an app without using balena-engine, docker or any similar engine.

Those files are the ones that usualy lives in /var/lib/docker/images/... and /var/lib/docker/overlay2/....

By design those script only works for an overlay2 driver as it's the only one currently used by recent balena-engine.

This is processing the assets "on the wire". Meaning we're computing the assets as we're streaming them from the registry. There should be no hit on the filesystem. As the processing is actually quite fast, this shouldn't have a minimal impact on speed.


This is a PoC build for special narrow use case. It's not recommended to mess with the content of /var/lib/docker. Play with it at your own risk and be sure to have backup of your important stuff.


An earlier attempt at pre-loading was based on file extraction from the fs of a running balena-engine. While it was working (cf extraction-deprecated branch), this was impractial in the context of the balena infrastructure and has been abandoned in favor of this simpler static method.


Note that both VERSION and device_type.json will be provided by balena-img (which fech them from S3 along os image)

  1. Get an apps.json and place in in folder
  2. Place a expanded balenaos.img in in folder
  3. Copy .env.dist to .env and configure to your needs
  4. add a VERSION file in the in folder with the version of balena_supervisor which is inside balenaos image (comes from S3)
  5. add a device_type.json file in folder (comes from the S3)
  6. Run main.mjs
  7. Run inject.mjs
  8. Flash balenaos.img and run on your device

Get apps.json

Note : This will soon be automated thanks to a new api endpoint to get the target state of a "future" device in a fleet.

We need a v3 of apps.json which will only work with supervisor v13+ (fairly recent version of belena os at the time of writing).

To get this file you need a provisioned device on a fleet, note that the device online status doesn't matter.

Go to the dashboard, open your browser dev tools, go to the network panel, browse to the device -> diagnostic -> supervisor state. Search the xhr call for one that looks like https://api.balena-cloud.com/device/v2/_deviceid_/state (note that device id is not equal to uuid).

Replace v2 by v3 and run it back. You can do that with a fetch in the dev tool console, or with curl

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -X GET https://api.balena-cloud.com/device/v3/<DEVICE_ID>/state

Replace <TOKEN> with your balena token (you can find it in ~/.balena/token if you're logged in from the cli) and <DEVICE_ID> with the device id.

You'll get a json, containing a [_UUID_]: {apps: {name: '', ...}, config: {...}}, which is not the same format as apps.json.

You need to remove the first key and get the content one level up so it looks like : {apps: {...}, config: {...}} and remove apps.name.

Save that file as apps.json in the repo in folder.


inject.mjs extracts assets from a etcher archive while injecting the assets into the disk image

./inject.mjs /path/to/input /path/to/output

Preparing archive: archive should be created first with the disk image, then with directory of file to inject under the 'inject' directory, with the partition number as the subdirectory. > tar cvvf /path/to/input /path/to/disk/image /path/to/inject

Example: For this example, we assume the following file tree:

├── image.img
└── inject
    └── 6
        ├── testfile1.txt
        └── testfile2.txt -> ./testfile1.txt

where we with to inject the file 'testfile1.txt' into the root directory of partition 5

1.  a. Manually prepare archive
      tar cvvf test.tar ./image.img inject
    b. Automagically prepare the archive
      Use main.mjs to generate the archive
2.  Extract disk image while injecting files:
    ./inject.mjs ./image.img inject


You can get config.json for your fleet from the balena cloud dashboard. Add a device to the fleet and download the _appname_config.json file instead of the os .img.zip (be sure to select dev and not prod). You'll need to inject that file manually in the boot partition of the image. This way you can reuse the same expanded os base image while testing different fleets.


It's a simple ethernet static ip configuration file which will configure ethernet to a static ip. The idea is that you can easily configure your laptop to 10.0.0.*/24 run an ethernet cable between the two and get access to the device without the device connected to the internet.

This is to prevent the device to register itself to the cloud and get a new target state. It means if the device has its services running you're sure it's because prelaoding worked.


check if images are there

  • balena-engine images should list all images loaded on the system
  • journalctl -n 400 -u balena.service -> look for informations about failed images import

check why services doesn't starts

  • balena-engine logs balena_supervisor -> look for informations about apps.json failing to load


The target state as shown on the dashboard gives too much informations. The file needs to follow this format : https://github.com/balena-os/balena-supervisor/blob/master/src/types/state.ts#L352-L359

  config: {...},
	apps: {...},
  pinDevice: boolean

Most of those inforamtions are under the local field when copied from the dashboard.

FS Structure and essential files

On a running engine, docker fs is located in /var/lib/docker/, if not specified all folders or files discussed below are relative to that directory.

To transplant/unpack an image we need :

One per layer (cf next section for id generation):

  • image/overlay2/layerdb/sha256/_chain-id_/cache-id (utf-8 text file - content is a random 48 lowercap alphanum string, also used as the name the corresponding overlay2 folder below)
  • image/overlay2/layerdb/sha256/_chain-id_/diff (utf-8 text file - content is the diff-id)
  • image/overlay2/layerdb/sha256/_chain-id_/parent (utf-8 text file - content is the chain-id of the parent layer)
  • image/overlay2/layerdb/sha256/_chain-id_/size (utf-8 text file)
  • overlay2/_cache-id_/lower (utf-8 text file; content : cf lower section below)
  • overlay2/_cache-id_/diff (directory - content is gunziped / untar of the layer archive)
  • overlay2/_cache-id_/work (empty directory)
  • overlay2/_cache-id_/commited (empty file)
  • overlay2/_cache-id_/link (utf-8 text file - content is a random 24 all caps alphanum string (same as the symlink in the l folder below))
  • overlay2/l/_link_ (symlink to the corresponding overlay2/_cache_id_/diff folder and named from the content of the link file)

One per image :

  • image/overlay2/imagedb/content/sha256/_image-id_ (json file)
  • image/overlay2/imagedb/metadata/sha256/_image-id_/lastUpdate (uft-8 text file with an UTC ISO date)
  • /_image_id_.repositories.json (json partial to be merged with balena-os repositories.json before injection)



SHA256 Hash of the image json main file.


SHA256 Hash of the tar archive of the layer (the actual content of the layer) as stored on the registry.

This is listed in the image main json as a list of ordered diff-id.

Note that the tar.gzip files you'll probaly pull from the registry are named with another sha256 hash run on the compressed archive. You need to gunzip the archive and compute the hash to get the diff-id.


chainId(n) is sha256(chainId(n-1) + ' ' + diffId(n)) (sha256 hash on this exact string)

Except for highest layer as that one has no parent so for that one chainId = diffId.


This one is a random string of 32 lower caps alpha numeric characters. It's the name of the overlay2 folder which will contain the uncompressed, unarchived content of the layer and is referenced in the layer cache-id file.


To overcome filesystem limitation, all diff folder have a shorter name alias known as the link. The link is a random 13 all caps alpha numeric string. It's the name of a symlink pointing from overlay2/l/_link_ to a overlay2/_cache-id/diff folder, the link is also stored as a string in the overlay2/_cache_id/link file.


Lower is a pre-computed list of all the links to the layers down the current one in the chain, separeted by :.

It looks like this : l/_linkForNextLayer_:l/_linkForSecondNextLayer_:...:l/_linkForLastLayer.

A note about deduplication

The docker / moby / balena-engine filesystem is quite efficient when it comes to duplicated layers from different images. As the layers are named from a sha256 hash of their content, to layer with same content should have the same name. Combined with the chain-id computation, we can ensure that we not only have the same layers, but the same layer chain to the bottom of the image and only store those files once.

This means when generarting the assets for an image we need to check if the same layers (same chain-id) already exist and if so reuse them instead of creating a copy.

This has some impact into the way we generate the lower chain for the layers that goes on top of the duplicated chain and complexify parallel image processing.


This file contains instruction about the target state of the device for the balena-supervisor. There's no good way of getting it yet (cf previous notes).

It has to be copied at the root of the resin-data partition (inject.mjs takes care of that).

Note that starting with v13 of supervisor, supervisor expects an apps.json v3, prior is v2.

For the preloading effort we assume apps.json v3.


That file contains the relation between image tags (aka names; note the plural an image can have multiple tags) and image-id.

As there's at least one image (balena-supervisor) installed on a blank balena-os, we need to merge the informations from our images inside the existing file.

Useful Documentation and Links



  • automate the retrieval of apps.json from the new fleet target state endpoint (when it's merged)
  • handle resin-data partition expension (wip)
  • find a good enough method to determine the size of the soon to be preloaded assets
  • refactor in typescript
  • automate tests

Known limitations and (maybe) important difference between extracted and generated method

  • in layerdb we skiped the creation split-tar.json.gz as it's related to distribution. It's used to ensure we can recreate the exact same tarball for a layer from the diff folder content and therefore upload back to a registry the same layer (with the same hash -> same name). Uploading an image to a registry from a preloaded app is not in the scope of those script, so we're not generating this file.
  • lastUpdate date is generated with less precision than the original ones (3 digit ms instead of ... 7 or 8) this has no impact whatsoever
  • we only created the required files to run the image, more metadata exist when pulling an image from the registry from the engine

pre-preloading (SV)

As of now, all the balenaos base images contains a Supervisor service preloaded at os build time. Historically "balena-health-check" was also preloaded at that moment, but it's been removed very recently.

Problem with those pre-preloaded images is that it's hard to know what they are without extracting files from the balenaos image itself. Best source so far is repositories.json, but it doesn't gives us infos about how the layers have been created (remember there's some randomly named folders in some key places).

So we have two three choices :

  • A. we get deeper into the os, and map all those folders to reuse them
  • B. we preload the supevisor again, which means we stream those layers twice and we let the engine clean up orphan on first boot
  • C. we use an empty balenaos (no supervisor) and preload it on the fly

C would probably be the best - given we can fix some loose ends like what happen when you don't want an .etch file.

B is what we're going with for the PoC as it's easy and predictable even if wasteful. It means always streaming the full Supervisor (alpine + node 12 + SV) twice. A solution would be to only do the overlapping layers but it might be early-optimisation as maybe (A) can be a solution.

A would be great if we can read files in data partition without too much trouble. If it's too much, we still can create some sort of a preloading manifest at os build stage and keep it somewhere.