
My personal blog, record some thing and share my ideas, hope you enjoy here!😝

About this website

The original intention of build this website is to record some notes and share some ideas. I hope you can find something useful here!

Having compared several static site generators, I finally chose Hugo. It is fast, easy to use and has a large number of themes. I also like the idea of static site, which is more secure and easy to maintain.

This website is built with Hugo, a static site generator written in Go. The theme is PaperMod.

There is a demo website with source code in PaperMod's exampleSite branch, this website is modified based on it.

Other static site generators

  • hexo
  • mkdocs
  • zola: Note that zola is a new static site generator written in Rust, it is fast and easy to use, but it is not as mature as Hugo.