
Robot that solves my homework

Primary LanguagePython

Homework Robot

time tracker Maintainability

A WIP codebase to solve math problems and laser engrave them onto the worksheet.


Homework robot makes the assumption that you are running a setup very similar to the following:

  • Raspberry pi octoprint server connected to laser engraver main board
  • raspberry pi camera connected and mounted on the side of the laser toolhead
  • repository cloned to laptop or desktop windows computer


To run the project successfully you need to do the following:

  1. download chromedriver to root of the directory

  2. run the dependancies.bat file

  3. replace the text in tesseractPath.txt with the path to your tesseract install. ex: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe

  4. create the file loginCreds.txt in the root of the HomeworkRobot directory and type your octoprint username and password seperated by one space on line 1

  5. install ttg lib as a library through pip


  • run main.py