
A saample project to practice a well deffined git workflow

Primary LanguageJava

#Git Workflow Practice Project ####This project will be used to understand and practice a well designed workflow of team development using git

####Objectives for this project

  • To understand branching for each feature/ticket
  • To understand using the master branch as an implied "approved" commit by any given developer
  • To understand how to use rebase to ensure the branch you are working will always be up to date with the master branch
  • To grasp a solid understanding of keeping code environment ignorant

#####This project uses the gradle wrapper to alleviate the need for every developer to download, unzip and map the GRADLE_HOME environment variable as well as add $GRADLE_HOME/bin to your PATH variable

###First run the database migrations

gradlew flywayMigrate -i

###How to run this project

gradlew bootRun

###How to run integration tests

gradlew clean test

###Test reports are found here
